AGeometryCacheActor |
GeometryCache actor, serves as a place-able actor for GeometryCache objects |
FGeomCacheColorBuffer |
FGeomCacheIndexBuffer |
Index Buffer |
FGeomCacheTangentBuffer |
FGeomCacheTrackProxy |
This the track proxy has some "double double buffering" going on. |
FGeomCacheTrackProxyFixLayout |
Hacky base class to avoid 8 bytes of padding after the vtable. |
FGeomCacheVertexBuffer |
Resource array to pass |
FGeomCacheVertexFactory |
Vertex Factory |
FGeometryCacheCodecDecodeArguments |
Arguments passed to the decoder. |
FGeometryCacheCodecEncodeArguments |
FGeometryCacheCodecRenderStateBase |
Render thread side state. |
FGeometryCacheCodecRenderStateRaw |
FGeometryCacheCodecRenderStateV1 |
FGeometryCacheConstantTopologyWriter |
Helper class to write a GeometryCache asset. |
FGeometryCacheMeshBatchInfo |
Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
FGeometryCacheMeshData |
Stores per Track/Mesh data used for rendering |
FGeometryCacheModule |
The public interface to this module |
FGeometryCacheSceneProxy |
Procedural mesh scene proxy |
FGeometryCacheTrackMeshDataUpdate |
FGeometryCacheTrackSampleInfo |
Info stored per sample that is always resident in memory |
FGeometryCacheTrackStreamableRenderResource |
All render thread state for a geometry cache track. |
FGeometryCacheTrackStreamableSampleInfo |
Info stored per sample that is always resident in memory and does not require parsing the chunks. |
FGeometryCacheVertexInfo |
Stores info on the attributes of a vertex in a mesh |
FNiagaraGeometryCacheMICOverride |
FNiagaraGeometryCacheReference |
FNiagaraRendererGeometryCache |
NiagaraRendererGeometryCache renders a geometry cache asset |
FStreamedGeometryCacheChunk |
The smallest unit of streamed geometry cache data. |
FTrackRenderData |
Stores the RenderData for each individual track |
FVisibilitySample |
Hold the visibility state for a given time range |
GeometyCacheHelpers |
ICodecDecoder |
Interface to the internal mesh compressor's decoder in order to hide implementation |
ICodecEncoder |
Interface to the internal mesh compressor's encoder in order to hide implementation |
UDEPRECATED_GeometryCacheTrack_FlipbookAnimation |
Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
UDEPRECATED_GeometryCacheTrack_TransformAnimation |
Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
UDEPRECATED_GeometryCacheTrack_TransformGroupAnimation |
Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
UGeometryCache |
A Geometry Cache is a piece/set of geometry that consists of individual Mesh/Transformation samples. |
UGeometryCacheCodecBase |
Interface for assets/objects that can own UserData |
UGeometryCacheCodecRaw |
UGeometryCacheCodecV1 |
UGeometryCacheComponent |
GeometryCacheComponent, encapsulates a GeometryCache asset instance and implements functionality for rendering/and playback of GeometryCaches |
UGeometryCacheTrack |
Base class for GeometryCache tracks, stores matrix animation data and implements functionality for it |
UGeometryCacheTrackStreamable |
Derived GeometryCacheTrack class, used for Transform animation. |
UNiagaraGeometryCacheRendererProperties |