FDestructibleAdvancedParameters |
AdvancedParameters |
Parameters that are less-often used. See DestructibleAdvancedParameters. |
uint32 |
bAccurateRaycasts |
If set, the NxDestructibleActor::rayCast function will search within the nearest visible chunk hit for collisions with child chunks. |
uint32 |
bAssetDefinedSupport |
Flags that apply to a destructible actor. |
uint32 |
bCrumbleSmallestChunks |
If set, the smallest chunks may be further broken down, either by fluid crumbles (if a crumble particle system is specified in the NxDestructibleActorDesc), or by simply removing the chunk if no crumble particle system is specified. |
bool |
bCustomImpactResistance |
By default, objects that collide with destructibles will bounce back. |
uint32 |
bDebrisMaxSeparation |
Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the "debris" depth (see NxDestructibleParameters::debrisDepth) will be removed if they separate too far from their origins. |
uint32 |
bDebrisTimeout |
Whether or not chunks at or deeper than the "debris" depth (see NxDestructibleParameters::debrisDepth) will time out. |
bool |
bDoNotCrumble |
Defines the chunk to be uncrumbleable. |
bool |
bDoNotDamage |
Defines the chunk to be undamageable. |
bool |
bDoNotFracture |
Per-chunk authoring data. |
bool |
bEnableDebris |
Enables debris at a specific depth level. |
bool |
bEnableImpactDamage |
Whether to apply damage to destructible when colliding with an object. |
uint32 |
bFormExtendedStructures |
If initially static, the destructible will become part of an extended support structure if it is in contact with another static destructible that also has this flag set. |
uint32 |
bUseValidBounds |
If set, the ValidBounds field of NxDestructibleParameters will be used. |
uint32 |
bWorldSupport |
If set, then chunks which overlap the Scene's static geometry will have environmental support in static destructibles. |
float |
DamageSpread |
Parameters that pertain to chunk damage. |
int32 |
DebrisDepth |
The hierarchy depth at which chunks are considered to be "debris." |
float |
DebrisLifetimeMax |
Parameters that pertain to chunk debris-level settings. |
float |
DebrisMaxSeparationMax |
float |
DebrisMaxSeparationMin |
"Debris chunks" (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed if they are separated from their origin by a distance greater than maxSeparation. |
FDestructibleDebrisParameters |
DebrisParameters |
Parameters that apply to a destructible actor. |
int32 |
DefaultImpactDamageDepth |
Max depth level where impact damage is enabled. |
TArray< struct FDestructibleDepthParameters > |
DepthParameters |
Parameters that apply to every chunk at a given level. |
int32 |
EssentialDepth |
The chunk hierarchy depth up to which chunks will always be processed. |
FDestructibleParametersFlag |
Flags |
A collection of flags defined in DestructibleParametersFlag. |
float |
FractureImpulseScale |
Scale factor used to apply an impulse force along the normal of chunk when fractured. |
nvidia::apex::ModuleDestructible * |
GApexModuleDestructible |
float |
ImpactDamage |
Controls how much damage is applied upon collision. Damage = ImpactDamage * ImpactForce. |
float |
ImpactResistance |
Controls how much resistance is applied to colliding objects. |
float |
ImpactVelocityThreshold |
Parameters that are less-often used. |
float |
MaxChunkSpeed |
If greater than 0, the chunks' speeds will not be allowed to exceed this value. |
int32 |
MinimumFractureDepth |
Special hierarchy depths for various behaviors. |
FDestructibleSpecialHierarchyDepths |
SpecialHierarchyDepths |
Special hierarchy depths for various behaviors. |
FBox |
ValidBounds |
"Debris chunks" (see debrisDepth, above) will be destroyed if they leave this box. |
FTransform |
WorldTM |