Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > UnrealEd > Factories
Inheritance Hierarchy
- UObjectBase
- UObjectBaseUtility
- UObject
- UFactory
- UAnimBlueprintFactory
- UAnimLayerInterfaceFactory
- UAnimBoneCompressionSettingsFactory
- UAnimCompositeFactory
- UAnimCurveCompressionSettingsFactory
- UAnimMontageFactory
- UAnimSequenceFactory
- UAnimStreamableFactory
- UBlendSpaceFactory1D
- UAimOffsetBlendSpaceFactory1D
- UBlendSpaceFactoryNew
- UAimOffsetBlendSpaceFactoryNew
- UBlueprintFactory
- UBlueprintFunctionLibraryFactory
- UBlueprintInterfaceFactory
- UBlueprintMacroFactory
- UCanvasRenderTarget2DFactoryNew
- UCompositeCurveTableFactory
- UContextualAnimFactory
- UCSVImportFactory
- UReimportCurveFactory
- UReimportCurveTableFactory
- UReimportDataTableFactory
- UCurveFactory
- UCurveFloatFactory
- UCurveLinearColorFactory
- UCurveVectorFactory
- UCurveImportFactory
- UCurveLinearColorAtlasFactory
- UCurveTableFactory
- UDataAssetFactory
- UDataflowAssetFactory
- UDataTableFactory
- UCompositeDataTableFactory
- UDNAAssetImportFactory
- UEnumFactory
- UFbxFactory
- UReimportFbxAnimSequenceFactory
- UReimportFbxSkeletalMeshFactory
- UReimportFbxStaticMeshFactory
- UFleshAssetFactory
- UFontFactory
- UFontFileImportFactory
- UForceFeedbackAttenuationFactory
- UForceFeedbackEffectFactory
- UGeometryCollectionCacheFactory
- UGeometryCollectionFactory
- UHapticFeedbackEffectBufferFactory
- UHapticFeedbackEffectCurveFactory
- UHapticFeedbackEffectSoundWaveFactory
- UIKRetargetFactory
- UIKRigDefinitionFactory
- ULevelFactory
- ULightWeightInstanceFactory
- UMaterialFactoryNew
- UMaterialFunctionFactoryNew
- UMaterialFunctionInstanceFactory
- UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlendInstanceFactory
- UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerInstanceFactory
- UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerBlendFactory
- UMaterialFunctionMaterialLayerFactory
- UMaterialInstanceConstantFactoryNew
- UMaterialParameterCollectionFactoryNew
- UMirrorDataTableFactory
- UMLDeformerFactory
- UModelFactory
- UNeuralProfileFactory
- UObjectLibraryFactory
- UPackageFactory
- UPackFactory
- UParticleSystemFactoryNew
- UPhysicalMaterialFactoryNew
- UPhysicalMaterialMaskFactory
- UPhysicsAssetFactory
- UPolysFactory
- UPoseAssetFactory
- UPoseSearchDatabaseFactory
- UPoseSearchInteractionAssetFactory
- UPoseSearchNormalizationSetFactory
- UPoseSearchSchemaFactory
- UPreviewMeshCollectionFactory
- USceneImportFactory
- UFbxSceneImportFactory
- UReimportFbxSceneFactory
- USkeletonFactory
- USlateBrushAssetFactory
- USlateWidgetStyleAssetFactory
- USpecularProfileFactory
- UStringTableFactory
- UStructureFactory
- USubsurfaceProfileFactory
- USubUVAnimationFactory
- UTexture2DArrayFactory
- UTexture2DFactoryNew
- UTextureCubeArrayFactory
- UTextureFactory
- UReimportTextureFactory
- UTrueTypeFontFactory
- UTextureRenderTarget2DArrayFactoryNew
- UTextureRenderTargetCubeFactoryNew
- UTextureRenderTargetFactoryNew
- UTextureRenderTargetVolumeFactoryNew
- UTouchInterfaceFactory
- UVariableFrameStrippingSettingsFactory
- UVectorFieldStaticFactory
- UReimportVectorFieldStaticFactory
- UVolumeTextureFactory
- UWorldFactory
Module | UnrealEd |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/Factories/Factory.h |
Include | #include "Factories/Factory.h" |
UCLASS (Abstract, MinimalAPI)
class UFactory : public UObject
Base class for all factories An object responsible for creating and importing new objects.
Type | Name | Description | |
TArray< UObject * > | AdditionalImportedObjects | ||
TObjectPtr< class UAssetImportTask > | AssetImportTask | Task for importing file via script interfaces | |
TObjectPtr< const class UAutomatedAssetImportData > | AutomatedImportData | Data for how to import files via the automated command line importing interface | |
uint32: 1 | bCreateNew | The default value to return from CanCreateNew() | |
uint32: 1 | bEditAfterNew | True if the associated editor should be opened after creating a new object. | |
uint32: 1 | bEditorImport | True if the factory imports objects from files. | |
uint32: 1 | bText | True if the factory imports objects from text. | |
TSubclassOf< UObject > | ContextClass | Class of the context object used to help create the object. | |
TArray< FString > | Formats | List of formats supported by the factory. | |
int32 | ImportPriority | Determines the order in which factories are tried when importing or reimporting an object. | |
int32 | OverwriteYesOrNoToAllState | For interactive object imports, this value indicates whether the user wants objects to be automatically overwritten (See EAppReturnType), or -1 if the user should be prompted. | |
TSubclassOf< UObject > | SupportedClass | The class manufactured by this factory. |
Type | Name | Description | |
const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer |
Type | Name | Description | |
void | AddReferencedObjects
UObject* InThis, |
bool | CanCreateNew () |
bool | Whether the factory is checking for SlowTask::ShouldCancel() while importing and aborting the import when appropriate. | ||
void | CleanUp () |
Do clean up after importing is done. Will be called once for multi batch import. | |
bool | Opens a dialog to configure the factory properties. | ||
UObject * | CreateOrOverwriteAsset
UClass* InClass, |
Creates an asset if it doesn't exist. | |
void | DisplayOverwriteOptionsDialog
const FText& Message |
Pop up message to the user asking whether they wish to overwrite existing state or not. | |
bool | DoesSupportClass
UClass* Class |
bool | FactoryCanImport
const FString& Filename |
Whether the specified file can be imported by this factory. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateBinary
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by importing it from a binary buffer (cancelable). | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateBinary
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by importing it from a binary buffer. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateFile
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by importing it from a file name. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateNew
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by class. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateNew
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by class. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateText
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by importing it from a text buffer. | |
UObject * | FactoryCreateText
UClass* InClass, |
Create a new object by importing it from a text buffer. | |
const TArray< UObject * > & | Returns an array of all the additional objects created during the last imports, as some factories may produce more than one object. | ||
FString | Get the name of the file currently being imported. | ||
int32 | Get the default import priority for factories. | ||
FString | Returns a new starting point name for newly created assets in the content browser | ||
FText | Returns the name of the factory for menus | ||
FMD5Hash | GetFileHash () |
Get the Hash for the file being imported. | |
TArray< FString > | GetFormats () |
IImportSettingsParser * | |||
uint32 | When shown in menus, this is the category containing this factory. | ||
const TArray< FText > & | Branch of sub-menus containing factory under each provided category. | ||
FName | Returns an optional override brush name for the new asset menu. | ||
UClass * | |||
void | GetSupportedFileExtensions
TArray< FString >& OutExtensions |
Creates a list of file extensions supported by this factory | |
FText | GetToolTip () |
Returns the tooltip text description of this factory | |
FString | Returns the documentation excerpt that should be use for the rich tool tip for this factory | ||
FString | Returns the documentation page that should be use for the rich tool tip for this factory | ||
UObject * | ImportObject
UClass* InClass, |
bool | ImportUntypedBulkDataFromText
const TCHAR*& Buffer, |
bool | |||
bool | IsSupportedFileExtension
FStringView InExtension |
Returns true if the provided file extension is supported | |
void | ResetState () |
Resets the saved state of this factory. | |
UClass * | Resolves SupportedClass for factories which support multiple classes. | ||
bool | ScriptFactoryCanImport
const FString& Filename |
Whether the specified file can be imported by this factory. (Implemented in script) | |
bool | ScriptFactoryCreateFile
UAssetImportTask* InTask |
Import object(s) using a task via script | |
void | SetAssetImportTask
UAssetImportTask* Task |
Sets the import task being used with this factory | |
void | SetAutomatedAssetImportData
const UAutomatedAssetImportData* Data |
Sets the automated import data being used with this factory | |
bool | Returns true if this factory should be shown in the New Asset menu (by default calls CanCreateNew). | ||
bool | SortFactoriesByPriority
const UFactory& A, |
Helper function to sort an array of factories by their import priority - use as a predicate for Sort | |
UObject * | StaticImportObject
UClass* Class, |
UObject * | StaticImportObject
UClass* Class, |
Name | Description |
CurrentFilename | Name of the file currently being imported. |
DefaultImportPriority | This is the import priority that all factories are given in the default constructor. |
FileHash | This is the HASH for the file being imported |