Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > UnrealEd > CookOnTheSide > UCookOnTheFlyServer
Module | UnrealEd |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/CookOnTheSide/CookOnTheFlyServer.h |
Include | #include "CookOnTheSide/CookOnTheFlyServer.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Private/CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp |
void ReleaseCookedPlatformData
UE::Cook::FPackageData & PackageData,
UE::Cook::EReleaseSaveReason ReleaseSaveReason
Frees all the memory used to call BeginCacheForCookedPlatformData on all the objects in PackageData. If the calls were incomplete because the PackageData's save was cancelled, handles canceling them and leaving any required CancelManagers in PendingCookedPlatformDatas
Name | Description |
bCompletedSave | If false, data that can not be efficiently recomputed will be preserved to try the save again. If true, all data will be wiped. |
ReleaseSaveReason | Why the save data is being released, allows specifying how much to tear down |