Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Editor > UMGEditor > UWidgetBlueprint
- UBlueprint::FindDiffs()
- UWidgetBlueprint::FindDiffs()
Module | UMGEditor |
Header | /Engine/Source/Editor/UMGEditor/Public/WidgetBlueprint.h |
Include | #include "WidgetBlueprint.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Editor/UMGEditor/Private/WidgetBlueprint.cpp |
virtual bool FindDiffs
const UBlueprint &42; OtherBlueprint,
FDiffResults & Results
&41; const
Fills in a list of differences between this blueprint and another blueprint. Default blueprints are handled by SBlueprintDiff, this should be overridden for specific blueprint types. True if these blueprints were checked for specific differences, false if they are not comparable
Name | Description |
OtherBlueprint | Other blueprint to compare this to, should be the same type |
Results | List of diff results to fill in with type-specific differences |