FBaseMeshPaintGeometryAdapter |
Base mesh paint geometry adapter, handles basic sphere intersection using a Octree |
FMeshPaintAdapterFactory |
FMeshPaintBatchedElementParameters |
Batched element parameters for texture paint shaders used for paint blending and paint mask generation |
FMeshPaintDilateBatchedElementParameters |
Batched element parameters for texture paint shaders used for texture dilation |
FMeshPainterCommands |
Base set of mesh painter commands |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSkeletalMeshes |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSkeletalMeshes. |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSkeletalMeshesFactory |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSplineMeshes |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSplineMeshesFactory |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForStaticMeshes |
FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForStaticMeshesFactory |
FMeshPaintParameters |
Mesh paint parameters |
FMeshPaintTriangle |
Triangle for use in Octree for mesh paint optimization |
FMeshPaintTriangleOctreeSemantics |
Semantics for the simple mesh paint octree |
FMeshSelectedMaterialInfo |
Wrapper to store which of a meshes materials is selected as well as the total number of materials. |
FPaintableTexture |
Structure used to house and compare Texture and UV channel pairs |
FPaintTexture2DData |
FPerVertexPaintActionArgs |
Parameters for paint actions, stored together for convenience |
FTexturePaintMeshSectionInfo |
Helper struct to store mesh section information in |
FTexturePaintTriangleInfo |
Structure used to hold per-triangle data for texture painting |
FTextureTargetListInfo |
Wrapper to expose texture targets to WPF code. |
IMeshPaintEdMode |
Mesh Paint editor mode |
IMeshPainter |
Base class for creating a mesh painter, has basic functionality combined with IMeshPaintMode and requires painting/situation-specific information to do actual painting |
IMeshPaintGeometryAdapter |
Interface for a class to provide mesh painting support for a subclass of UMeshComponent |
IMeshPaintGeometryAdapterFactory |
Factory for IMeshPaintGeometryAdapter |
IMeshPaintModule |
MeshPaint module interface |
MeshPaintHelpers |
TexturePaintHelpers |
Helpers functions for texture painting functionality |
UMeshPaintSettings |
UPaintBrushSettings |