Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > LocalizationService > ILocalizationServiceProvider > Execute
Module | LocalizationService |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/LocalizationService/Public/ILocalizationServiceProvider.h |
Include | #include "ILocalizationServiceProvider.h" |
ELocalizationServiceOperationCommandResult::Type Execute
const TSharedRef< ILocalizationServiceOperation , ESPMode::ThreadSafe > & InOperation,
const TArray< FLocalizationServiceTranslationIdentifier > & InTranslationIds,
ELocalizationServiceOperationConcurrency::Type InConcurrency,
const FLocalizationServiceOperationComplete & InOperationCompleteDelegate
Attempt to execute an operation on the passed-in files (if any are required). the result of the operation.
Name | Description |
InTranslationIds | The translations in question |
InOperation | The operation to perform. |
InConcurrency | How to execute the operation, blocking or asynchronously on another thread. |
InOperationCompleteDelegate | Delegate to call when the operation is completed. This is called back internal to this call when executed on the main thread, or from Tick() when queued for asynchronous execution. |