Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > Localization > FLocTextHelper > FLocTextHelper
Module | Localization |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/Localization/Public/LocTextHelper.h |
Include | #include "LocTextHelper.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Developer/Localization/Private/LocTextHelper.cpp |
FString InTargetPath,
FString InManifestName,
FString InArchiveName,
FString InNativeCulture,
TArray< FString > InForeignCultures,
TSharedPtr< ILocFileNotifies > InLocFileNotifies,
const ELocTextPlatformSplitMode InPlatformSplitMode
Construct a helper for the given target information.
Nothing is loaded or created at this point.
Name | Description |
InTargetPath | Path to the localization target (the root of this path should contain the manifest, and the archives should be under culture code directories). |
InManifestName | Name given to the manifest file for this target (eg, Game.manifest). |
InArchiveName | Name given to the archive files for this target (eg, Game.archive). |
InNativeCulture | Culture code of the native culture (eg, en), or an empty string if the native culture is unknown. |
InForeignCultures | Array of culture codes for the foreign cultures (the native culture will be removed from this array if present). |
InLocFileNotifies | Interface for allowing source control integration (may be null). |
InPlatformSplitMode | Should we split localization data per-platform? |