Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > DesktopPlatform > IDesktopPlatform > OpenFileDialog
Module | DesktopPlatform |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/DesktopPlatform/Public/IDesktopPlatform.h |
Include | #include "IDesktopPlatform.h" |
bool OpenFileDialog
const void * ParentWindowHandle,
const FString & DialogTitle,
const FString & DefaultPath,
const FString & DefaultFile,
const FString & FileTypes,
uint32 Flags,
TArray < FString > & OutFilenames,
int32 & outFilterIndex
Opens the "open file" dialog for the platform true if files were successfully selected
Name | Description |
ParentWindowHandle | The native handle to the parent window for this dialog |
DialogTitle | The text for the title of the dialog window |
DefaultPath | The path where the file dialog will open initially |
DefaultFile | The file that the dialog will select initially |
Flags | Details about the dialog. See EFileDialogFlags. |
FileTypes | The type filters to show in the dialog. This string should be a "|" delimited list of (Description|Extensionlist) pairs. Extensionlists are ";" delimited. |
OutFilenames | The filenames that were selected in the dialog |
OutFilterIndex | The type that was selected in the dialog |