Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > DerivedDataCache > FDerivedDataCacheInterface > GetSynchronous
Module | DerivedDataCache |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/DerivedDataCache/Public/DerivedDataCacheInterface.h |
Include | #include "DerivedDataCacheInterface.h" |
bool GetSynchronous
class FDerivedDataPluginInterface * DataDeriver,
TArray < uint8 > & OutData,
bool * bDataWasBuilt
Synchronously checks the cache and if the item is present, it returns the cached results, otherwise tells the deriver to build the data and then updates the cache true if the data was retrieved from the cache or the deriver built the data sucessfully. false can only occur if the plugin returns false.
Name | Description |
DataDeriver | plugin to produce cache key and in the event of a miss, return the data. |
bDataWasBuilt | if non-null, set to true if the data returned had to be built instead of retrieved from the DDC. Used for stat tracking. |