Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > CollectionManager > ICollectionManager > AddToCollection
Module | CollectionManager |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/CollectionManager/Public/ICollectionManager.h |
Include | #include "ICollectionManager.h" |
bool AddToCollection
FName CollectionName,
ECollectionShareType::Type ShareType,
const FSoftObjectPath & ObjectPath,
FText * OutError
Adds an asset to the specified collection. true if the add was successful.
Name | Description |
CollectionName | The collection in which to add the asset |
ShareType | The way the collection is shared. |
ObjectPath | the ObjectPath of the asset to add. |
OutNumAdded | if non-NULL, the number of objects successfully added to the collection |
OutError | Optional human readable explanation of why the operation failed |