Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > AutomationDriver > By > Path
Module | AutomationDriver |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/AutomationDriver/Public/LocateBy.h |
Include | #include "LocateBy.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Developer/AutomationDriver/Private/LocateBy.cpp |
static TSharedRef < IElementLocator , ESPMode::ThreadSafe > Path
const TCHAR * Value
Creates a new element locator that limits its discovered elements to ones matching the specified "path"
Path Example: "#Suite//Piano/Key//
Path Syntax:
Suite = # represents that the following text is an explicit Id, in the case of a SWidget it needs to be tagged with the driver Id metadata Piano = plain text represents general tags, in the case of a SWidget it needs to have a Tag or TagMetadata with the appropriate plain text value = <> represents types, in the case of a SWidget it should be the explicit type used in the SNew construction
Hierarchy is represented by forward slashes
/ = a single forward slash represents that the next value must match a direct child of the element matched before it // = a double forward slash represents that the next value must match any descendant of the element matched before it
Reference the AutomationDriver.spec.cpp expectations for additional examples of the syntax in use a locator which uses the specified path to discover appropriate elements
Name | Description |
Value | The path to use |