Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Developer > AssetTools > IAssetTools
Module | AssetTools |
Header | /Engine/Source/Developer/AssetTools/Public/IAssetTools.h |
Include | #include "IAssetTools.h" |
TArray< UObject * > ImportAssets
const TArray< FString > & Files,
const FString & DestinationPath,
UFactory * ChosenFactory,
bool bSyncToBrowser,
TArray< TPair< FString, FString > > * FilesAndDestinations,
bool bAllowAsyncImport,
bool bSceneImport
) const
Imports the specified files to the destination path. list of successfully imported assets
Name | Description |
Files | Files to import |
DestinationPath | destination path for imported files |
ChosenFactory | Specific factory to use for object creation |
bSyncToBrowser | If true sync content browser to first imported asset after import |
bAllowAsyncImport | This allow the import code to use a async importer if enabled. (Note doing so will ignore the ChosenFactory arguments (If you want a async import prefer the InterchangeManager api)) |