The Verse Parkour Template will show you how to create a game mode where players can strategically maneuver through obstacles and platforms to collect batteries.
In this game mode, players will collect four batteries to complete the level. Time will extend if they find the secret battery. When time runs out, the player returns to the beginning.
This template demonstrates some basic language features like:
For Loops
Device API
Complex concepts, like concurrency, will not be used in this template.
The following is an overview of the steps you'll need to recreate this island in the ideal sequence:
Create a new project and modify Island Settings to set up the game.
Build the arena.
Set up devices.
Add the Verse Script.
Creating a New Project and Setting up the Game
Open UEFN and create a new empty project.
Select Island Settings device in the Outliner and locate User Options - Game Rules.
Modify the User Options as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Join in Progress Spawn Specifies what to do when a player joins while a game is in progress. Set to Spawn if you want players to join in progress. Game Win Condition Most Scores Win The player with the highest score will win the game. Round Win Condition Score Players with the highest score will win the round. Locomotion Preset Custom Quickly configure locomotion settings to match a first-party experience and opt in to future changes to that preset or use cutom settings to lock in behavior. Allow Mantling/Sprinting/Sliding/Shoulder Bashing True Players will be able to parkour over their environment. PBWs Generate Ledges False If Allow Mantling is set to True, this option determine sif Player Built Walls will generage ledge launch props. If Allow Mantling is set to Off, then PBWs will not generate ledges. Glider Redeploy False Determines whether players can frelly deploy their gliders without the use of items. Movement Speed Tunings Ch 4 Movemenet Determines the movement speed tunings that should be used for player locomotion. Allow Boosted Jump False Boosted Jump allows players to perform a higher and faster jump when they are sprinting near an edge. Allow Roll Landing False Roll Landing allows players to roll upon reaching the ground. Allow Wall Kick False Determines whether players can kick off of walls. Allows Wall Scramble False Determines whether players can run up walls for a short distance. Auto Pickup Consumables Yes Determines if the player automatically collects Consumables. Auto Only hides the pickup interaction UI. Infinite Building Resources/Gold/World Resources/Durability Players will be able to collect all resources in their environment. Start With Pickaxe False Players will not start the game with a pickaxe. Pickaxe Destruction None The pickaxe will not damage the environment. Auto Pickup Items Yes Players will automatically pick up items they come into contact with. First Scoreboard Column Score The scoreboard will show the score in the first column.
Building the Arena
This map uses the Cyber City Prop Gallery, which can be found under Fortnite > Galleries > Props.
Recreate this map with platforms and obstacles for players to parkour over.
Setting up the Devices
This tutorial uses the following devices:
5 x Item Granter
1 x End Game
1 x Damage Volume
1 x Timer
1 x HUD Message
1 x Verse Device
Player Spawn Pad Device
Use a Player Spawn Pad device to spawn players onto the map. At the start of your map, place a spawn pad for each player, which you can find under Fortnite > Devices > Player Spawn Pad.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Visible In Game | False | This device will not be visible in game. |
Item Granter Device
In UEFN, dragging a Consumable from the Content Drawer automatically places it in an Item Spawner device. Drag a Battery item onto the map, which you can find under Fortnite > Items > Battery.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Time Before Spawn | 0.1 | This determines the amount of time before the item spawns. |
Respawn Item on Timer | False | The battery will not respawn once picked up. |
Base Visible During Game | False | The device will not be visible in the game. |
Run Over Pickup | True | Players will automatically pick up this item. |
Item Scale | 2.0 | This determines the size of the battery. |
Copy and paste this device four more times and place them around your map.
End Game Device
Place an End Game device to end the game when activated.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Custom Victory Callout | enter text | Enter the text you want displayed for the winning player. |
Damage Volume Device
The Damage Volume device is a boundary that can damage players within its zone. Place this device below your map and adjust the Zone Width, Depth, and Height to cover the bottom of your arena to instantly eliminate fallen players.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Damage | 500 | This device deals enough damage to instantly eliminate players who fall. |
Timer Device
Place a Timer device near the End Game device. This device will count down the time until the player is eliminated and must start over.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Duration | 30 | The timer will last for 30 seconds. |
Start at Game Start | True | The timer begins when the game starts. |
Applies To | Player | When the timer starts, it applies to a specific player. |
Success on Timer End | False | When the timer reaches its end, it will not count as a success. |
Visible During Game | Hidden | The device will be hidden in the game. |
Timer Running Text | enter text | Enter the text you want displayed for the timer. |
HUD Message
Use a HUD Message device to display engaging messages to players.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Display Time | 2.0 | The message will display for two seconds before disappearing. |
Show on Round Start | False | This message will not be displayed when the round starts, but when a battery is picked up. |
Adding the Verse Scripts
Add the following Verse scripts, starting by referencing devices with the @editable function.
You can copy the code in the order it’s written. Comments are added within the script for clarity.
using { / }
using { / }
using { /}
using { / }
log_parkour := class(log_channel){}
# This is a Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
# This script example is a take on Parkour where the objective is to gather 4 batteries before the timer expires
# Getting started:
parkour_race_script := class(creative_device):
Logger : log = log{Channel:=log_parkour}
# Device reference to the player spawner
PlayerSpawnDevice : player_spawner_device = player_spawner_device{}
# End Game Device for a Victory
EndGameVictoryDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}
# Timer for this game mode
TimerDevice : timer_device = timer_device{}
# Hud message feedback for the player when they get a battery
HUDMessageBattery : hud_message_device = hud_message_device{}
# An array of the Item Spawners we have.
BatteryItemSpawners : []item_spawner_device = array{}
SecretBatteryItemSpawner : item_spawner_device = item_spawner_device{}
# Tunable amount of time to add when the player picks up the secret battery
SecretBatteryTimeReward : float = 10.0
# Declaration for an integer that represents the number of batteries we've collected so far
var BatteriesCollected : int = 0
The script above shows how to use @editable to expose Creative Devices, arrays, and floatsto UEFN. For your script to call on them later, the devices must first be defined in Verse.
# Messages to display when a battery is collected
BatteryCollectedMessage<localizes>(Amount:int) : message = "You collected {Amount} battery"
BatteriesCollectedMessage<localizes>(Amount:int) : message = "You collected {Amount} batteries"
# Messages for collecting the secret battery and the completion message
AllBatteriesCollectedMessage<localizes> : message = "You collected all of the batteries!"
SecretBatteryCollectedMessage<localizes> : message = "You collected the secret battery, additional time added!"
The script above shows how to define a function that returns a parametrized message based on the Amount of batteries collected. It also defines the messages to show when all batteries and the secret one are collected.
# Runs when this device_script is started in a running game
# You can output to the log like this to determine what your script is up to
Logger.Print("Parkour Race Script Started!")
# Subscribing to the AgentSpawnedEvent.
# When the player spawns, the function "HandleAgentSpawned" is called.
# Same for the Timer. We subscribe to when it expires
# We go through our array of batteryItemSpawners and for each Item Spawner, we subscribe to the ItemPickupEvent.
# We do this for each Item Spawner and we don't save the handle like we did for the AgentSpawnedSubscription and TimerExpiredSubscription above
# You don't have to save the handle, but without it, you won't be able to cancel the subscription so it will fire every time an item is picked up.
for (BatterySpawner : BatteryItemSpawners):
<# An alternate way to do the for loop above that uses an integer to walk through the array
for (i:int := 0..BatteryItemSpawners.Length - 1):
if (Battery := BatteryItemSpawners[i]):
Battery.ItemPickedUpEvent.Subscribe(HandlebatteryPickedUp) #>
The OnBegin function defines what happens when the game starts while the for loop to the event of picked-up batteries.
# A function that is called when the Agent Spawns from the Player Spawn Pad
Logger.Print("Agent Spawned!")
# Reset the Timer Device to ensure respawning players get the full amount of time
Above is the code for when the player spawns that resets the timer and starts it over.
# Function that is called when a battery item is picked up from the Item Spawners
# Increment the number of batteries collected
set BatteriesCollected = BatteriesCollected + 1
# This is how you can output the number of batteries to the log. Useful for debugging
Logger.Print("Number of batteries picked up: {BatteriesCollected}")
# Check to see if there are enough batteries collected to the end the game
BatteriesCollected >= BatteryItemSpawners.Length
# Check to see if we've collected 4 (or more) batteries. If so, we have won, call the EndGame function
spawn { EndGame(Agent) }
# This code runs if the number of batteries is less than 4. Show a Hud Message to spur the player on
# HUD message is "battery" if only 1 battery is collect. Becomes "batteries" if more than 1 is collected
BatteriesCollected = 1
# Then we get the next Item Spawner in our array we set up
# We do this by "indexing" into the array. It is inside the "if" statement to ensure that NextBatterySpawner is referenced correctly
NextBatterySpawner := BatteryItemSpawners[BatteriesCollected]
# If we got the next item spawner, call SpawnItem which will activate the next battery to get
Above is the code that handles a battery being picked up. If all of the batteries have been picked up, the EndGame method is called. If not, HUD messages are displayed for players and the next battery is spawned.
Logger.Print("Picked up secret battery")
# Get the time remaining so we can add additional time to it
var TimeRemaining:float = TimerDevice.GetActiveDuration( Agent )
var TimeToAdd:float = (TimeRemaining + SecretBatteryTimeReward)
# Add additional time to the Timer Device, but don't go over the initial starting time
TimerDevice.SetActiveDuration(Min(TimeToAdd, TimerDevice.GetMaxDuration()), Agent )
Above is the code that adds time to the Timer device when the secret battery is picked up. It is set to not go over the Timer device’s starting time of 30 seconds. This code also displays an on-screen message.
# Function that is called when the timer expires
Logger.Print("Timer Ended")
if (Agent := MaybeAgent?):
# Eliminate the player
FortCharacter:fort_character = Agent.GetFortCharacter[]
Above is the code that eliminates the player when time runs out. The player is then respawned and the timer is reset in the HandleAgentSpawned method.
# Asynchronous function that handles the end of the game
# Wait for three seconds before ending the game
# Runs when this device_script is stopped or the game ends
Logger.Print("Verse device stopped!")
Above is the code that ends the game. Using Sleep(3.0) is an example of using an asynchronous method.
Setting up the Verse Device
Compile your Verse script then find your device in the Content Drawer. Drag the Verse device onto an unseen area of your map to customize the settings.
In the device’s Details panel, configure the settings to match each referenced device like the photo above.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
PlayerSpawnDevice | Player Spawn Pad | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
EndGameVictoryDevice | End Game Victory Device | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
TimerDevice | Timer | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
HUDMessageBattery | HUD Message Device Battery | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
PlayerSpawnDevice | Player Spawn Pad | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
BatteryItemSpawners - 0 | Battery Spawner 1 | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
BatteryItemSpawners - 1 | Battery Spawner 2 | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
BatteryItemSpawners - 2 | Battery Spawner 3 | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
BatteryItemSpawners - 3 | Battery Spawner 4 | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
SecretBatteryItemSpawner | Battery Spawner - Secret | Select this option from the drop down box to reference devices. |
SecretBatteryTimeReward | 10.0 | The time reward for collecting the secret battery. |
Select Launch Session to test out your completed level.