In Verse Elimination, players will battle with a loadout that changes with each elimination. These mechanics are achieved by linking devices like the Item Granter device to the Verse device.
This advanced Verse template will show you the use of these Verse APIs:
Map container type
Fort_character EliminateEvent subscription
Create a new project and modify the Island Settings to set up the game.
Set up the devices.
Add the Verse Script.
Creating a New Project and Setting up the Game
Open UEFN and create a new empty project.
Select the IslandSettings device in the Outliner and locate User Options - Game Rules.
- Modify the User Options as shown below.
Option | Value | Explanation |
Eliminated Player’s Items | Keep | Players will respawn with their loadout. |
Allow Item Drop | False | Players cannot drop items from their inventory during the game. |
Environment Destruction | Off | The environment will not be destroyed during the game. |
Setting up the Devices
This tutorial uses the following devices:
~ x Item Granters
1 x End Game Device
~ x Player Spawn Pad
Item Granter Device
Use an Item Granter device to grant players weapons. After you connect the Item Granter to the Verse device using direct event binding, the Verse script can shuffle the weapon’s order and award them with each elimination.
You can use any number of Item Granters. As long as you link them in the Verse device array, the game will scale accordingly.
From the Content Drawer, navigate to Fortnite > Devices and drag the Item Granters onto your map.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
Item Definition | pick a weapon | Select one unique weapon per Item Granter device. |
End Game Device
Use an End Game device to end the round once conditions are met. Once eliminations reach a certain threshold, the Verse script will activate this device to end the round.
Use the default settings for this device.
Player Spawn Pad
You can use Player Spawn Pads to spawn players onto your map. Evenly spread the spawn pads throughout your map to make sure players don’t group spawn.
Use the default settings for this device.
Adding the Verse Scripts
Add the following Verse scripts, starting by referencing devices with the @editable function.
You can copy the code in the order it’s written. Comments are added within the script for clarity.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):
EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}
# Array of item granters used to grant the weapons
var WeaponItemGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}
# This is set later, this will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island
var NumberOfEliminationsToWin : int = 0
# Map container to track players progress. This is how to determine which weapon to award to the player
var AgentMap : [agent]int = map{}
The above code shows the variable definitions.
# Can use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience
set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length
Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
# Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted
set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)
# Get all the players in the experience
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to eliminated event
# Add Players to a Map to track progress
if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {}
# Grant the first weapon to each player
if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):
The code above shows the logic that sets the game rule of how many eliminations are needed to win. The order of the Item Granter’s array is shuffled.
Players are added to a map to keep track of both their progress and which item they should be granted next.
# Event that handles when a player is eliminated
Print("Player Eliminated")
EliminatingCharacter := Result.EliminatingCharacter
if (FortCharacter := EliminatingCharacter?):
if (EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):
The code above is the event that happens when a player is eliminated. The eliminating player is granted the next gun.
# Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon
if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
if (IsVictoryConditionMet(CurrentItemNumber) = true):
EndGame(Agent) # Game has been won
else: # Game is not over yet
set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber - 1]):
if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}
The code above is the logic to determine both which gun to grant the eliminating player and if they are on the last gun to end the match.
# Check if the victory condition has been met and return the the result
EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
return true
return false
The code above is the logic to check if the victory condition has been met.
The code above is the logic that shows the End Game device calling for the winning player.
Setting Up the Verse Device
The Verse device controls ending the game and granting guns on elimination through an array of Item Granters connected using direct event binding.
Compile your Verse script then find your device in the Content Drawer. Drag the Verse device onto an unseen area of your map to customize the settings.
Use this device to link direct event binding to the needed devices so they can be referenced by the Verse script.
In the device’s Details panel, configure the settings to match each referenced device like the photo above.
To set up this device, configure the User Options as follows:
Option | Value | Explanation |
EndGameDevice | End Game Device | Links the Verse device to the End Game device. |
WeaponItemGranters - 0 | Item Granter | Links the Item Granter to the Verse device. |
WeaponItemGranters - 1 | Item Granter2 | Links the Item Granter to the Verse device. |
WeaponItemGranters - 2 | Item Granter3 | Links the Item Granter to the Verse device. |
WeaponItemGranters - 3 | Item Granter4 | Links the Item Granter to the Verse device. |
Select Launch Session to test out your completed level.