Use the Audio Player device to play audio in your project with your own custom sound waves and sound cues.
Finding and Placing the Device
- Open the Content Browser.
- Open the Fortnite folder index list.
- Open the Devices folder.
- Select the Audio Player device and drag the device into the viewport.
- Select the Audio Player device in the Outliner panel.
- Configure the User Options for the Audio Player device in the Details panel.
User Options
This device plays a sound wave or sound cue asset when activated. When added to the viewport, the Audio device will appear as a small speaker. This mesh can be hidden during the game or customized to suit the world you are creating.
You can configure this device with the following options.
Option | Value | Description |
Audio | Select a sound wave or sound cue | The audio to play when the device is triggered to play. |
Volume | 1.0, Select a Volume | Sets the volume for the audio. This is a linear setting, so 0.5 is half as loud and 2.0 is twice as loud as the source audio volume. |
Visible in Game | False, True | Determines whether the device will be visible during the game. |
Fade in Duration | 0.0, Select a Duration | The time it takes the sound to reach full volume in seconds when the device is triggered to play. |
Fade Out Duration | 0.0, Select a Duration | The time it takes the sound to reach full volume in seconds when the device is triggered to stop. |
Enabled During Phase | Always, None, Pre-Game Only, Gameplay Only, Create Only | Determines the game phase in which the device is automatically enabled. |
Restart Audio when Activated | False, True | Determines whether audio will restart when triggered to play. If not set, activations will be ignored if audio is already playing. |
Play on Hit | True, False | Determines whether the audio will play when hit by the player. |
Can be Heard By | Everyone, Instigator Only, Registered Players Only, Non-Registered Players Only | Determines who will be able to hear audio from this device. |
Play Location | Device, Local Player, Registered Players, Instigating Players | Determines if the audio should be played from the device location or the location of any registered players. |
Playback Speed | 1.0, Select a Play Rate | Raises or lowers the pitch of the audio by changing the playback speed. 2.0 is twice as fast, 0.5 is half-speed as the source audio volume. |
Enable Spatialization | True, False | Enables audio panning based on position relative to the listener. |
Enable Volume Attenuation | True, False | Enables volume changes based on proximity to the listener. Source audio will become quieter the further the listener is from the location of the sound. |
Attenuation Function | Linear, Logarithmic | Defines the mapping function between the Attenuation Min Distance and Attenuation Falloff Distance. |
Attenuation Min Distance | 4.0, Set a Distance | The range in which the audio will remain at the value set in the Volume setting. |
Attenuation Falloff Distance | 32.0, Set a Distance | The range from Attenuation Min Distance over which the sound will go from set Volume to silent |
Enable Attenuation Visuals | False, True | If set, shows additional attenuation visuals while editing. |
Direct Event Binding
Devices in UEFN use Event Binding to communicate. To set direct event binding for your device in UEFN:

- Select the device in the Outliner panel.
- Open the Details panel.
- Navigate to User Options-Functions.
- Add an element to a function.
- Select a device to interact with.
- Set the function the device performs to send a trigger to the Audio Device.
A function tells the selected device what should do when the triggering device performs an action.
Option | Value | Description |
Play | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Plays the audio when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. Requires the device to be Enabled. |
Stop | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Stops the audio when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. |
Enable | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Enables the audio device when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device, if not already enabled by the Enabled During Phase option. |
Disable | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Disables the audio device when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. |
Register Player | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Registers a player as a target for audio to play from when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. |
Unregister Player | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Unregisters a player as a target for audio to play from when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. |
Unregister All Players | Click the Add icon to select a device, then select an event. | Removes all registered players as targets for audio to play from when the selected device and event triggers the Audio Player device. |