The Unreal Revision Control (URC) extension for Visual Studio Code (VSC) provides instant revision control feedback in your Verse script and Snapshot History. The URC extension adds features and functionality that complement pre-existing VSC tools and makes tracking changes in Verse code easier for you and your team.
The extension allows you to view the snapshot history inside VSC and highlights all Verse code changes in the file editor and Explorer.
Unreal Revision Control Extension
The URC extension is installed by default on VSC. To read information about the URC extensions, select Extensions from the left column menu. Different extensions appear in the left column of the VSC window. Selecting the Unreal Revision Control extension opens the extension window where you can read the list of extension features.

Source Control View
The URC extension captures all changes in the Verse code of your UEFN projects and enables you to view the snapshot history for all the changes in the Verse script.
The extension adds Source Control and Snapshot History panels to VSC. The Source Control panel records all uncommitted changes made to the Verse code since the project's last snapshot. All committed changes are recorded in the Snapshot History panel.

Clicking on your Verse file from the Source Control panel opens your file in two side-by-side windows so you can review and compare the changes in your code. The window on the left is the current version of your code. The window on the left is the version you're synced to, the version on the right has your local changes.
Click image to enlarge.
You can submit your changes to UEFN from the Source Control panel. Clicking on the Create Snapshot icon opens the editor’s Submit File window. Enter all the snapshot details into the Changelist Description field and click Submit to save a new snapshot.

You cannot sync to the latest snapshot from VSC, you must sync all changes in UEFN.
Editor Windows
As you’re working on your Verse code, items that have been added, deleted, and modified appear in the Source Control panel. The place in the Verse script where the changes occurred becomes highlighted. This allows you to see the difference between your changes and the current file.
All changes are marked with a letter in the Source Control panel:
M - Modified
A - Added
D - Deleted
Click image to enlarge.
File Level Changes
File Level Changes can change the way you edit and update code versions. Instead of working solely on the current version of code, browse older versions in your File History, and select to review an older file while editing a new file.
Use your project’s File History to open an existing file in a read-only mode to review older code files next to the new file versions. This provides you with the ability to compare your code changes live with an older version.
Read-only view opens new tabs beside the currently edited file to avoid overwriting the new file you’re working on.