Complete Script
The following code is the complete script for an elimination game that advances players through a series of weapons as a team.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
player_map := [player]int # This is a type alias!
team_elimination_game := class(creative_device):
EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}
var WeaponGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}
var PlayerSpawners : []player_spawner_device = array{}
var Sentries : []sentry_device = array{}
var EliminationsToEndGame : int = 0
var Teams : []team = array{}
# Map of Team Maps, where the key is the team and the value is a map of
# player->int key-value pairs
var TeamMap : [team]player_map = map{}
OnBegin<override>()<suspends> : void =
set Teams = GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeams()
set EliminationsToEndGame = WeaponGranters.Length
Print("Beginning to assign players")
for (Spawner : PlayerSpawners):
Spawner.SpawnedEvent.Subscribe(OnPlayerSpawn) # Subscribe to each player spawn pad
for (Sentry : Sentries):
Sentry.EliminatedEvent.Subscribe(TestPlayerEliminated) # Subscribe to each Sentry
# Subscribe to new players joining the game
PopulateTeamsAndPlayers() : void =
Print("Beginning to populate players")
for (Team : Teams, TeamPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetAgents[Team]):
var PlayerMap : player_map = map {}
for (Agent : TeamPlayers, TeamPlayer := player[Agent], FortCharacter := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]):
if(set PlayerMap[TeamPlayer] = 0, WeaponTier := PlayerMap[TeamPlayer]):
Print("Assigned Player to PlayerMap with Tier {WeaponTier}")
if(set TeamMap[Team] = PlayerMap):
Print("Successfully set this team in the TeamMap")
# Handles a new player joining the game
OnPlayerAdded(InPlayer : player) : void =
Print("A New Player Joined!")
Team := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeam[InPlayer]
FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
var PlayerMap : player_map = TeamMap[Team]
set PlayerMap[InPlayer] = 0
set TeamMap[Team] = PlayerMap
GrantWeapon(option{InPlayer}, 0)
Print("Set new player weapon tier to 0 in the TeamMap")
FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to this player's elimination event
# Grants players weapons based on their WeaponTier when they spawn
OnPlayerSpawn(InPlayer : agent) : void =
Print("A player just spawned!")
PlayerTeam := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeam[InPlayer]
WeaponTier:int := TeamMap[PlayerTeam][InPlayer]
GrantWeapon(option{InPlayer}, WeaponTier)
Print("Spawned Player was granted a gun of tier {WeaponTier}")
OnPlayerEliminated(Result : elimination_result) : void =
Print("A Player was eliminated!")
Eliminator := Result.EliminatingCharacter
if (FortCharacter := Eliminator?, EliminatorAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):
# Allows testing of GiveNextWeapon by spoofing Sentries as Players
TestPlayerEliminated(Agent: ?agent) : void =
Print("Sentry Down!")
if(TeamPlayer := Agent?):
GiveNextWeapon(EliminatingPlayer : agent) : void =
Print("Finding a player to promote")
var WeaponTier : int = 0
var MaybePlayerToGrant : ?agent = option{EliminatingPlayer} # The player to grant a gun to
var MaybePlayerTeam : ?team = option{GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeam[EliminatingPlayer]} # The team this player is on
if(PlayerTeam := MaybePlayerTeam?, set WeaponTier = TeamMap[PlayerTeam][EliminatingPlayer]):
for(Teammate -> TeammateTier : TeamMap[PlayerTeam], TeammateTier < WeaponTier):
Print("Found a Teammate with a lower Tier at Tier {TeammateTier}")
if(set WeaponTier = TeamMap[PlayerTeam][Teammate]):
set MaybePlayerToGrant = option{Teammate}
set WeaponTier = WeaponTier + 1
if(PlayerTeam := MaybePlayerTeam?, PlayerToGrant := player[MaybePlayerToGrant?], set TeamMap[PlayerTeam][PlayerToGrant] = WeaponTier):
Print("Eliminating Player Tier is now {WeaponTier}")
if(WeaponTier >= EliminationsToEndGame):
GrantWeapon(MaybePlayerToGrant, WeaponTier)
GrantWeapon(InPlayer : ?agent, WeaponTier : int) : void =
Print("Promoting Player to Tier {WeaponTier}")
if(ItemGranter := WeaponGranters[WeaponTier], GrantedPlayer := InPlayer?):
EndGame(InPlayer : agent) : void =
Print("Player reached final Weapon Tier, activating EndGameDevice")
On Your Own
By completing this guide, you’ve learned how to use Verse to create a device that advances players through a series of weapons, with each elimination granting them or their teammates the next weapon.
Using what you’ve learned, do the following:
Try different orders and combinations of weapons to create an optimal play experience.
Consider keeping the sentries and using them as optional bosses for each team.
See if you can find different methods of scoring, such as eliminating one particular player on a team.