By completing this step in the Tagged Lights Puzzle tutorial, you'll learn how to detect when the player solves the puzzle so you can spawn an item and prevent further interaction with the puzzle
Detecting a Solved Puzzle
This section shows how to detect when the player solves the puzzle by finding the right combination of lights. When the puzzle is solved, the Item Spawner device should be enabled so that it can spawn its item.
Follow these steps to detect when the player solves the puzzle:
- Add an editable
field namedItemSpawner
to thetagged_lights_puzzle
class, to represent the Item Spawner device.@editable ItemSpawner : item_spawner_device = item_spawner_device{}
- Next, define what state the lights should be in to solve the puzzle. Since the representation of the lights’ state is a
array, the solved state of the lights should also be alogic
array to easily compare the two. Create an editablelogic
array field namedSolvedLightsState
to thetagged_lights_puzzle
class. In this example, the player must turn on all the lights to solve the puzzle, so initialize each element with the valuetrue
to represent the light being on.@editable SolvedLightsState : []logic = array{true, true, true, true}
- Save the file in Visual Studio Code.
- In the UEFN toolbar, click Build Verse Scripts to update your Verse device in the level.
- In the Outliner, select the tagged_lights_puzzle to open its Details panel.
- In the Details panel, set the Item Spawner property to the Item Spawner device that’s in the level.
- Next, develop the code that checks if the current
matches theSolvedLightsState
. Add a new method namedIsPuzzleSolved()
to thetagged_lights_puzzle
class. This method should succeed if the puzzle is solved and fail if it’s not, to let its caller know the result of the check. This means the method should be marked as failable with thedecides
specifier. Since the method has thedecides
specifier, it must also have thetransacts
specifier, which means the actions performed by this method can be rolled back (as if the actions were never performed), if there’s a failure anywhere in the method.IsPuzzleSolved()<decides><transacts> : void = Logger.Print(“Checking if puzzle is solved”)
Verse uses success / failure for decision-making. For more details on how Verse uses failure, see Failure.
- When should the device check if the puzzle has been solved? The best time is whenever the
array has just been updated, which happens inside theToggleLights()
method. Once thefor
expression finishes updating theLightsState
array, call theIsPuzzleSolved[]
method to determine whether the puzzle is solved and so spawn an item (by callingItemSpawner.Enable()
). SinceIsPuzzleSolved[]
is a failable expression (which is why the method has the[]
instead of()
when you call it) it must be called in a failure context. In this example, the failure context is anif
expression so you can conditionally execute expressions based on whether the puzzle is solved.ToggleLights(LightIndices : []int) : void = for: LightIndex : LightIndices IsLightOn := LightsState[LightIndex] Light := Lights[LightIndex] do: Logger.Print("Turning light at index {LightIndex} {if (IsLightOn?) then "Off" else "On"}") NewLightState := if (IsLightOn?): Light.TurnOff() false else: Light.TurnOn() true if (set LightsState[LightIndex] = NewLightState): Logger.Print("Updated the state for light at {LightIndex}") if (IsPuzzleSolved[]): Logger.Print("Puzzle solved!") ItemSpawner.Enable()
- Next, make the
method detect if the puzzle is solved. SinceIsPuzzleSolved()
is a failure context, you can use failable expressions in the method body without needing to use another failure context, like anif
expression. In this case, you will need to check if the state of every light is the same as the solved puzzle state. To test if twologic
values are the same, you can use the equals operator=
, which is a failable expression. The first time two values you’re checking aren’t the same, the expression fails so then the method fails and returns to its caller’s context (in this case, theif
expression in theToggleLights()
method).IsPuzzleSolved()<decides><transacts> : void = Logger.Print(“Checking if puzzle is solved”) for: LightIndex -> IsLightOn : LightsState IsLightOnInSolution := SolvedLightsState[LightIndex] do: IsLightOn = IsLightOnInSolution
- Save the changes in Visual Studio Code.
- In the UEFN toolbar, click Build Verse Scripts to compile your code.
- Click Play in the UEFN toolbar to playtest the level.
When you playtest your level with the settings shown in this example, interacting with all the buttons once should solve the puzzle and spawn the item.

Removing Button Interaction when Puzzle Is Solved
After the player has completed the puzzle, they shouldn’t be able to interact with the buttons or turn the lights on / off. This section shows how to unsubscribe from an event so your event handler isn’t called anymore when a player interacts with the button.
When you call Subscribe()
on a device event, the function call has a cancelable
result. Calling Cancel()
on a cancelable
variable unsubscribes the function handling the event, so that the function will no longer be called when the event is dispatched.
Follow these steps to remove button interactions once the puzzle is solved:
- Add a
array variable field namedButtonSubscriptions
to thetagged_lights_puzzle
class to store the result of subscribing to each button’s event, and initialize the field with an empty array.var ButtonSubscriptions : []cancelable = array{}
- Since this is the last statement of the
expression, its return values for all successful iterations are collected in an array of the expression return type. As explained earlier, the return type of an eventSubscribe
call iscancelable
; this refers ToggleLights thefor
results in an array ofcancelable
). That matches theButtonsSubscription
type, so you can assign the result of thefor
expression to theButtonsSubscription
array. Add this code in theOnBegin
function, afterSetupPuzzleLights
:OnBegin<override>()<suspends> : void = SetupPuzzleLights() set ButtonSubscriptions = for: ButtonIndex -> Button : Buttons LightIndices := ButtonsToLights[ButtonIndex] do: Button.InteractedWithEvent.Subscribe(button_event_handler{Indices := LightIndices, PuzzleDevice := Self}.OnButtonPressed)
- Finally, remember the buttons must be disabled so that the player can’t change the
anymore. That’s achieved by unsubscribing each button’sInteractedWithEvent
handlers with a call to theircancelable
subscription. TheseButtonSubscriptions
were saved when the event handlers were created inOnBegin
. All that’s left to do is iterate through this array and call cancel on eachButtonSubcription
:ToggleLights(LightIndices : []int) : void = for: LightIndex : LightIndices IsLightOn := LightsState[LightIndex] Light := Lights[LightIndex] do: Logger.Print("Turning light at index {LightIndex} {if (IsLightOn?) then "Off" else "On"}") NewLightState := if (IsLightOn?): Light.TurnOff() false else: Light.TurnOn() true if (set LightsState[LightIndex] = NewLightState): Logger.Print("Updated the state for light at {LightIndex}") if (IsPuzzleSolved[]): Logger.Print("Puzzle solved!") ItemSpawner.Enable() for (ButtonSubscription : ButtonSubscriptions): ButtonSubscription.Cancel()
- Save the changes in Visual Studio Code.
- In the UEFN toolbar, click Build Verse Scripts to compile your code.
- Click Play in the UEFN toolbar to playtest the level.
With the default properties, interacting with all buttons once should solve the puzzle, spawn the item, and disable further button interactions.
Next Step
In the last step of this tutorial, you can see the complete script for this tutorial and ideas to further change the example.