This section will show you how to add the Verse script and place the Verse device to customize gameplay.

Navigate to Verse > Verse Explorer to create a Verse script.

Then, right-click your project file name and select Add new Verse file to project.

Select Verse Device and give it a name then click Create. In this tutorial, the Verse device is named Stronghold_Game_Manager.

Double-click the device’s verse file to bring up the Verse script. Copy and paste the code below.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
# The Stronghold is a game mode in which the goal is for players to eliminate all hostile enemies at a heavily guarded Stronghold
# The Stronghold Game Manager Verse device is used to manage, monitor, and control the AIs at the Stronghold
stronghold_game_manager := class(creative_device):
# Device reference to guard spawner device to keep track of for eliminations
GuardsInitialSpawners:[]guard_spawner_device := array{}
# Device reference to guard spawner device to keep track of for eliminations for multiplayer scaling
GuardsInitialSpawnersAdditional:[]guard_spawner_device := array{}
# Device reference to reinforcement guard spawner device to trigger when one of the Stronghold guards is alerted
GuardsReinforcementSpawners:[]guard_spawner_device := array{}
# Device reference to reinforcement guard spawner device to trigger when one of the Stronghold guards is alerted for multiplayer scaling
GuardsReinforcementSpawnersAdditional:[]guard_spawner_device := array{}
# Device reference to display and track objectives
ObjectiveTracker:tracker_device := tracker_device{}
# Device reference to display reinforcement in-game message
MessageDeviceReinforcement:hud_message_device := hud_message_device{}
# Device reference to display fallback in-game message
MessageDeviceFallback:hud_message_device := hud_message_device{}
# Device reference to end the game with a victory if the players completed the Stronghold without being detected
EndGameVictoryDeviceUndetected:end_game_device := end_game_device{}
# Device reference to end the game with a victory if the players completed the Stronghold while being detected
EndGameVictoryDeviceDetected:end_game_device := end_game_device{}
# Device reference to end the game with a fail if the players ran out of retries
EndGameFailDevice:end_game_device := end_game_device{}
# Adjustable number of player lives
var PlayerRetries:int = 2
# Device to reference Stronghold leash position
ReinforcementLeashReference:stronghold_leash_position := stronghold_leash_position{}
# Device to reference Fallback leash position
FallbackLeashReference:stronghold_leash_position := stronghold_leash_position{}
# Leashes that must be disabled after fallback
LeashesToDisableForFallback:[]stronghold_leash_position := array{}
# Device for the explosion
ExplosiveDevice:explosive_device := explosive_device{}
# Guards perception is monitored by this script, the other scripts can subscribe to those events
# Event broadcasted when a guard calls for reinforcement
ReinforcementsCalledEvent:event(agent) = event(agent){}
# Event broadcasted when guards defend the center of the Stronghold
FallbackEvent:event() = event(){}
# Event broadcasted when a guard becomes suspicious
GuardsSuspiciousEvent:event(agent) = event(agent){}
# Event broadcasted when all guards become unaware
GuardsUnawareEvent:event(agent) = event(agent){}
# Event broadcasted when a player is detected
PlayerDetectedEvent:event(agent) = event(agent){}
# Event broadcasted when all guards have lost their target
PlayerLostEvent:event(agent) = event(agent){}
# Lists of guards in a specific alert state to monitor perception changes
# Variable to store reinforcement guards
var<private> NumGuardsSpawned:int := 0
# Variable to store all Stronghold guards
var<private> StrongholdGuards:[]agent := array{}
# Variable to store reinforcement guards
var<private> ReinforcementGuards:[]agent := array{}
# List of guards currently suspicious
var<private> SuspiciousGuards : []agent = array{}
# List of guards currently alerted
var<private> AlertedGuards : []agent = array{}
# List of guards currently investigating
var<private> InvestigatingGuards : []agent = array{}
# Initial guard spawners, will include additional spawners with multiplayer session
var<private> GuardsInitialSpawnersInternal:[]guard_spawner_device = array{}
# Reinforcement guard spawners, will include additional spawners with multiplayer session
var<private> GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal:[]guard_spawner_device = array{}
# Gameplay logic variables
# Variable to track the number of eliminations from all Stronghold guard spawners
var<private> GuardsEliminated:int := 0
# Variable to track if the reinforcement were called or not
var<private> ReinforcementTriggered:logic := false
# Variable to track if the fallback was triggered
var<private> FallbackTriggered:logic := false
# Variable to store the first player agent that gets detected by the guards
var<private> DetectedPlayer:?player := false
# Runs when the device is started in a running game.
# Check active player for difficulty scaling
AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
NumberOfActivePlayers := AllPlayers.Length
set GuardsInitialSpawnersInternal = GuardsInitialSpawners
set GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal = GuardsReinforcementSpawners
# Add additional Guard Spawner when there is more than 2 players
if (NumberOfActivePlayers > 2):
set GuardsInitialSpawnersInternal += GuardsInitialSpawnersAdditional
set GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal += GuardsReinforcementSpawnersAdditional
var NumInitialGuards:int = 0
for (GuardSpawner : GuardsInitialSpawnersInternal):
set NumInitialGuards += GuardSpawner.GetSpawnLimit()
for (GuardReinforcementSpawner : GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal):
# Subscribing to reinforcement spawned event
# Subscribing to player elimination event
for (StrongholdPlayer : AllPlayers, StrongholdPC := StrongholdPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
SubscribeToGuardSpawnerEvents(SpawnerDevice:guard_spawner_device):void =
# Start tracking eliminated guards and trigger the explosion
StartGameplay()<suspends>:void =
if (FirstPlayer:=GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()[0]):
# Runs when guard spawner receives an alerted event and considers only the first alert event
not ReinforcementTriggered?
set DetectedPlayer = option{player[InteractionResult.Target?]}
var NumGuards:int = ObjectiveTracker.GetTarget()
# Enabling the reinforcement guard spawner device ensures that we spawn the amount of guards configured in the guard spawner device.
for (GuardReinforcementSpawner : GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal):
set NumGuards += GuardReinforcementSpawner.GetSpawnLimit()
# Displaying in-game message for detection and incoming reinforcement
set ReinforcementTriggered = true
# Signal Reinforcement event
# Add the guard to the list of alerted guards if it hasn't been previously added
if (not AlertedGuards.Find[Guard]):
set AlertedGuards += array{Guard}
option {set SuspiciousGuards = SuspiciousGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]}
option {set InvestigatingGuards = InvestigatingGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]}
# Broadcast the Player Detected Event when one guard is alerted
if (AlertedGuards.Length = 1):
# Runs when reinforcement guard spawner receives an alerted event
not FallbackTriggered?
# Clear leash for reinforcement on alerted so they attack their target
# Runs when reinforcement guard spawner receives an unaware event
if (not FallbackTriggered?):
# Set back the leash
# Runs when guard spawner receives an unaware event
if (not SuspiciousGuards.Find[Guard]):
set SuspiciousGuards += array{Guard}
# Broadcast the Suspicious Event when one guard is suspicious
SuspiciousGuards.Length = 1
AlertedGuards.Length = 0
InvestigatingGuards.Length = 0
# Runs when guard spawner receives an unaware event
option {set AlertedGuards = AlertedGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]}
option {set SuspiciousGuards = SuspiciousGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]}
option {set InvestigatingGuards = InvestigatingGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]}
# Broadcast the Unaware Event when no guard is suspicious, alerted or investigating
SuspiciousGuards.Length = 0
AlertedGuards.Length = 0
InvestigatingGuards.Length = 0
# When a guard loses track of the player, remove it from the alerted guards list, when all guards have lost player, signal the event
if (Guard := InteractionResult.Source?):
if (not InvestigatingGuards.Find[Guard]):
set InvestigatingGuards += array{Guard}
# Broadcast the Player Lost Event when no guard is alerted
if (set AlertedGuards = AlertedGuards.RemoveFirstElement[Guard]):
if (AlertedGuards.Length = 0):
# Runs when a reinforcement guard is spawned. Each reinforcement guard is forced to attack the player that alerted the Stronghold
set ReinforcementGuards += array{Guard}
# Assigns the player that alerted the Stronghold guards as the target
if (Target := DetectedPlayer?):
for (GuardReinforcementSpawner : GuardsReinforcementSpawnersInternal):
GuardReinforcementSpawner.ForceAttackTarget(Target, ?ForgetTime:=30.0)
# Runs when any guard from the Stronghold is spawned
set StrongholdGuards += array{Guard}
set NumGuardsSpawned += 1
# Runs when initial or reinforcement spawners receive an elimination
set GuardsEliminated += 1
if (EliminatedAgent := InteractionResult.Target?):
# Remove eliminated guard from the alerted guards list
option {set AlertedGuards = AlertedGuards.RemoveFirstElement[EliminatedAgent]}
option {set SuspiciousGuards = SuspiciousGuards.RemoveFirstElement[EliminatedAgent]}
option {set InvestigatingGuards = InvestigatingGuards.RemoveFirstElement[EliminatedAgent]}
option {set StrongholdGuards = StrongholdGuards.RemoveFirstElement[EliminatedAgent]}
if (EliminationAgent := InteractionResult.Source?):
# Increasing progress value for tracker device for each elimination
if (ReinforcementTriggered?):
if (NumGuardsSpawned - GuardsEliminated = 3):
# Ends the game mode if all guards were eliminated without the reinforcements
if (GuardsEliminated >= NumGuardsSpawned):
# Ends the game mode if all guards were eliminated with the reinforcements
if (GuardsEliminated >= NumGuardsSpawned):
# Assigns a new fallback leash when a few alerted guards are remaining to defend the center of the Stronghold
# Displaying in-game message for guards retreating inside the Stronghold building
set FallbackTriggered = true
for (LeashDevice : LeashesToDisableForFallback):
FallbackLeashPosition := FallbackLeashReference.GetTransform().Translation
for (Guard : StrongholdGuards):
# Runs when a player elimination event is received
set PlayerRetries -= 1
if (PlayerRetries = 0, Agent := EliminationResult.EliminatedCharacter.GetAgent[]):

Next, navigate to Verse > Build Verse Code to compile the Verse script.

Navigate to All/"Project Name"/CreativeDevices/ and select your Verse device.

Then, drag your Verse device onto your map. This will only appear after compiling the Verse script.
With your Verse device selected, navigate to the Details panel and update the User Options as shown below.

Option | Value | Explanation |
Visible in Game | True | This device will be visible during the game. |
Enabled at Game Start | True | This device will be enabled when the game begins. |
Guards_InitialSpawners | 7 Array elements | Click the plus sign to add three elements to this setting. |
0 | Guard Spawner Init | This is an array of all the devices used to spawn the initial Guards at the stronghold. |
1 | Guard Spawner Sniper Tower 1 | This is an array of all the devices used to spawn the initial Guards at the stronghold. |
2 | Guard Spawner Sniper Tower 2 | This is an array of all the devices used to spawn the initial Guards at the stronghold. |
3 | Guard Spawner Investigate Crash | This is an array of all the devices used to spawn the crash site Guards. |
4 | Guard Spawner Initial Move to Sniper A | This is an array of all the devices used to move a set of Guard spawners. |
5 | Guard Spawner Initial Move to Sniper B | This is an array of all the devices used to move a set of Guard spawners. |
4 | Guard Spawner Init Patrol | This is an array of all the devices used to move a set of patrol Guards. |
GuardsInitialSpawnersAdditional | Guard Spawner Init Additional | Spawns an additional set of guards. |
GuardReinforcementSpawners | Guard Spawner Reinforcement_East | Spawns reinforcement guards for a certain area. |
GuardReinforcementSpawners | Guard Spawner Reinforcement_North | Spawns reinforcement guards for a certain area. |
GuardReinforcementSpawners | Guard Spawner Reinforcement_West | Spawns reinforcement guards for a certain area. |
GuardReinforcementSpawnersAdditional | Guard Spawner Reinforcement_East_Additional | Spawns additional reinforcement guards for a certain area. |
GuardReinforcementSpawnersAdditional | Guard Spawner Reinforcement_West_Additional | Spawns additional reinforcement guards for a certain area. |
Objective Tracker | Tracker | Displays the stronghold objectives and elimination count. |
MessageDeviceReinforcement | HUD Message Device Reinforcement | Displays the reinforcement on-screen message. |
MessageDeviceFallback | HUD Message Device Fallback | Displays the fallback on-screen message. |
EndGameVictoryDeviceUndetected | End Game Device Undetected | Displays the victory and undetected end screen. |
EndGameVictoryDeviceDetected | End Game Device Detected | Displays the victory and detected end screen. |
EndGameFailDevice | End Game Device Fail | Displays the failed end screen because the player ran out of lives. |
PlayerRetries | 2 | Determines the number of lives the player has to try to complete the stronghold successfully. If the player runs out of lives, the stronghold is failed. |
ReinforcementLeashReferernce | Leash Position Stronghold | The Leash Position devices use its position as the origin of the reinforcement leash. |
FallbackLeashReference | Leash Position Fallback | The Leash Position device uses its position as the origin of the fallback leash. |
LeashesToDisableForFallback | 5 Array elements | Determines the leases to disable for guards to fallback. |
0 | Guards Leash Position 1 | Determines the outer radius for the stronghold leash. |
1 | Guards Leash Position 2 | Determines in centimeters the inner radius for the defend fallback leash. Must be smaller than the outer radius. |
2 | Reinforcement Leash Position | Determines the reinforcement leash position. |
3 | Sniper tower 1 leash position | Determines the leash position for the first sniper tower. |
4 | Spiper tower 2 leash position | Determines the leash position for the second sniper tower. |
Explosive Device | Explosive Device | References the Explosive Barrel device. |
Next Section