This section will show you how to create a new project and start creating the gameplay.
Open UEFN and create a new empty project.
Select the IslandSettings device in the Outliner and locate User Options - Game Rules.

- Modify the User Options as shown below.
Use the Search bar to locate each setting faster.
Option | Value | Explanation |
Max Players | 4 | There will be a maximum of four players. |
Teams | Cooperative | This will be a cooperative game. |
Team Size | 4 | The team size will be four. |
Spawn Pad Selection | Near Teammates | Players will spawn near each other. |
Auto Start | False | The game will wait to start until manually activated. |
Game Start Countdown | 3 | The game will start after three seconds. |
Harvest Style | Creative | The Creative values are used for resource gathering during the game. |
Allow Building | None | Players will not be allowed to build during the game. |
Environment Damage | Off | Players will not be allowed to destroy the environment. |
Structure Damage | None | Players will not be allowed to destroy structures. |
Respawn Time | 5.0 | Players will respawn after five seconds. |
Jump Fatigue | True | Continuous jumping will apply a penalty to jump height. |
Glider Redeploy | True | Players will be able to freely deploy their gliders without the use of items. |
Flight Speed | 1.0x | There will be a movement multiplier of 1 when flying. |
Game Winner Display Time | 3.0 | The overall game winner’s name will be shown at the end of the game for 3 seconds. |
Game Score Display Time | 15.0 | The final scoreboard will be shown at the end of the game for 15 seconds. |
Round Winner Display Time | 3.0 | The round winner’s name will be shown at the end of the round for 3 seconds. |
Round Score Display Time | 15.0 | The scoreboard will be shown at the end of the round for 15 seconds. |
HUD Info Type | True | AI enemy elimination will be tracked in the HUD. |
Map Screen Display | Overview Map | The overview map will display when a player presses the Map key. |
Game End Callout | Cooperative | Shows everyone the same end screen and uses the Victory Sound. |
Victory Sound | Success 1 | Determines what sound to play when players win the game. |