To set up your island:
Open UEFN, select the Blank template, choose your Project Location and Project Name, and click Create.
Click image to enlarge.
This opens the Blank template in the editor window.
Click image to enlarge.
Select IslandSettings in the Outliner.
Click image to enlarge.
Any settings that are not listed in the following sections should stay at the default value.
Locate the User Options - Game Rules.
Modify the User Options with the values in the table below.
Use the Search bar to locate each setting faster.

Option | Value | Explanation |
Teams | Free For All | Players all fight each other. |
Max Players | 4 | A maximum of 4 players can play in this game mode. |
Default Class Identifier | Class Slot: 1 | This is required for the teleportation check. Anyone who is 1 has not cleared the race section yet. |
Total Rounds | 3 | The game is played 3 times. |
End Game On Match Point Win | True | If someone wins twice, they win the whole thing. |
Time Limit | "10.0": 10 minutes | Each round lasts a maximum of 10 minutes. |
Win Condition | Most Round Wins | The requirement to win the game. |
Eliminations To End | 10 | It takes 10 eliminations to win the elimination portion of the game. |
Autostart | "60": 1 minute | The game will wait 60 seconds once there are at least 2 people before starting the game. |
Starting Shields | "100.0": 100% Shields | Players spawn with full shields. |
Allow Overshield | True | Players will get 50 shield from the overshield. |
Infinite Ammo | True | Players have infinite ammo. |
Infinite Items | False | Players do not have infinite items. |
Allow Building | None | Players cannot build on the map. |
Environmental Damage | "0.0": off | Players cannot damage the environment. |
Start With Pickaxe | False | Players do not have the pickaxe |
Eliminated Player's Items | Keep | Players do not lose the shotgun they equip with the starting area coin when eliminated. |
Allow Item Drop | False | Prevents players from dropping their weapon on the ground and losing it. |
Respawn Time | "1.0": 1 second | It takes 1 second to respawn on elimination. |
Spawn Immunity Time | "5.0": 5 seconds | After respawning, players are invulnerable for 5 seconds or until they shoot. |
Allow Mantling/Sprinting/Sliding/Shoulder Bashing | True | All these settings are needed for parkour. |
Glider Redeploy | False | The glider cannot be deployed in the game. |
Show Wood/Stone/Metal Resource Count | False | Removes these unused UI elements from the game. |
Show Gold Resource Count | True | Shows the gold coin you pick up at the start of the match. |
Game Score Display Time | "7.0": 7 seconds | Time that the scoreboard shows at end of the game. |
Round Score Display Time | "7.0": 7 seconds | Duration of the scoreboard before a new round. |
HUD Info Type | Score | The HUD element tracks score up to 10 to show progress and displays the top 3. |
Max Trackers On HUD | 1 | One HUD Element for the Score is needed. |
Round Win Condition | Eliminations | The per-round win condition is getting to 10 eliminations. |
Tiebreaker 1/2/3 | Damage Dealt/Health/Damage Taken | Determines the tiebreakers in order of importance. |
First/Second Scoreboard Column | Eliminations/Eliminated | Determines what the scoreboard will display |