By following the steps on this page, you can learn how to create, run, edit, and troubleshooot a Verse program that says "Hello, world!" in Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN).
See Launching Unreal Editor for Fortnite for how to access UEFN.
Your First Verse Program
The VKT - Verse Device Starter Games template works as an introduction to devices created with Verse, and contains multiple devices that you can look at for examples. In the steps below, you'll create and modify a new Verse device in this template.
In the Project Browser window, select Feature Examples to view all the UEFN Feature Examples.
From the list of Feature Examples, click Verse Device to highlight.
At the the bottom of the screen, under Project Name, name your project MyVerseProject, then click Create.
In the Menu Bar, go to Verse > Verse Explorer.
In Verse Explorer, right-click on your project name and choose Add new Verse file to project to open the Create Verse Script window.
In the Create Verse Script window, click Verse Device to select as your template.
In the Content Browser, navigate to the CreativeDevices folder in your project’s content folder.
If the Content Browser isn't already open, click Window on the Menu Bar, then select Content Browser or select Content Drawer at the bottom left of the UEFN window.
The path should be All > MyVerseProject Content > CreativeDevices.
Drag the hello_world_device into the level.
In the toolbar, click Launch Session to playtest your island.
Click image to expand.
In the Save Content window, click Save Selected to save your changes to the project.
When the server finishes loading the project, open the Main Menu and click Start Game.
In the client, press Escape to open the Main Menu screen and click Island Settings. Then click Log in the top navigation bar to view the log.
In the log, find the line that says "Hello, world!" that's followed by "2 + 2 = 4" on the next line. These lines are from the hello_world_device.verse file. Because you added the Verse-created device to your level, its code ran when you started the game.
Now that you’ve run your first Verse program, let’s look at the code in hello_world_device.verse and change it. Keep the client running for the next section.
Modify the Program
Follow these steps to view the hello_world_device.verse file, which created the device from the previous section, then add a new line of code.
- In the Menu Bar, click Verse > Verse Explorer to see all the Verse files in your project.
Under your project’s name, double-click hello_world_device.verse to open the file.
The Verse file opens in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), an editor for writing programs. If you don’t have Visual Studio Code on your computer, a prompt will appear asking you to install it.
Click image to expand.
The Verse code extension is an extension for VS Code that provides Verse error checking and syntax highlighting, and also allows you to compile and push changes to your Verse scripts directly from VS code.
The Verse extension bundled with UEFN is the only officially supported language extension for Verse. This extension is enabled automatically when you launch UEFN. If you uninstall the extension, it will be reinstalled when you launch UEFN again.
You can verify the installation of the Verse code extension by the presence of the Editor Focus, Build Verse Changes, and Push Verse Change Buttons on the top of your VS Code window.
Click image to expand.
You'll see how the rest of this code works later, but for now, any code you enter under the line OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void=
will run when the game begins, so add the following code at the end of the file:
Print("This is my first line of Verse code!")
Your Verse file should now look like this:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
# See for how to create a verse device.
# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
hello_world_device := class(creative_device):
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
# TODO: Replace this with your code
Print("Hello, world!")
Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 2}")
Print("This is my first line of Verse code!")
Any text after the symbol #
is considered a code comment and ignored by the computer when the program runs. Code comments are useful for you and anyone else reading your code, because these comments can contain explanations for your code. In this example, # Runs when the device is started in a running game
and #TODO: Replace this with your code
are both code comments.
Save Your Changes
- Save the hello_world_device.verse file in Visual Studio Code.
In the UEFN toolbar, click Verse, then click Build Verse Code to compile your code.
Click image to expand.
Upon successful compilation, a green check mark will appear over the Verse button. If problems occur during compilation, a red stop icon will appear, and you won't be able to compile your code until you resolve all errors. If this occurs, see Troubleshoot Your Code for tips on fixing your code.
Click image to expand.
When your code finishes compiling, the options Push Changes and Push Verse Changes appear in the UEFN toolbar. Push Changes updates your client with all changes made in the editor, such as adding and removing props, modifying object properties, and any changes made to Verse code. Push Verse Changes only updates your Verse code, and is faster than Push Changes. This is helpful in situations where you want to make small, incremental changes to your code without refreshing your session. Click Push Verse Changes to update your client.
Click image to expand.
- When the server finishes updating the project, open the Main Menu and click Start Game.
In the log, find the line that says "This is my first line of Verse code!" That’s from the code you just added to the script!
Sequential Execution
When you added that line of code to print text to the log, the text "This is my first line of Verse code!" was printed to the log after "2 + 2 = 4". This is because those lines of code are executed in the order they’re written under the line OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void=
If you change the order of the print lines, the text will print to the log in the new order, with "This is my first line of Verse code!" appearing before "2 + 2 = 4":
#TODO: Replace this with your code
Print("Hello, world!")
Print("This is my first line of Verse code!")
Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 2}")
Code is generally executed line by line, in the order the expressions appear. This is called sequential execution. As you learn more about programming with Verse, you’ll learn how to shape the execution flow to change your program’s behavior.
Troubleshoot Your Code
Now that you’ve written and run your first line of Verse code, here's how to troubleshoot some of the issues you might run into when writing code.
There are two kinds of errors you can encounter: compiler errors and bugs.
Compiler Errors
As with any kind of writing, you can have typos in your code. These typos prevent the compiler from understanding what you want the program to do. They are called compiler errors because they prevent the program from compiling, and are often errors in syntax. This prevents you from being able to run your code in a playtest.
VS Code can detect some compiler errors and inform you of them by changing the color of the filename to red on the file tab and in the Explorer panel.
VS Code also adds a red squiggle under the line where it detects an issue. When you hover over the squiggle, an error message will appear with a possible quick fix if there’s one that VS Code can provide.

VS Code might not catch all compiler errors, so it’s also good practice to build your code before trying to run your code to catch any errors early on. To do this, click Verse , and then Build Verse Code in the UEFN Toolbar. This option compiles all the Verse files in the project, which translates the code you've written into computer-executable instructions.
Click image to expand.
The output log will show either a success message if your code builds successfully, or errors that you’ll need to fix before you can use your code while playtesting
When you select Build Verse Code, a popup message will also appear if there was a compilation error.

Selecting See Errors in the popup message will open the Message Log window and show all of the errors in the code that VS Code was able to detect.
Click image to expand.
Once you fix any errors, you can compile the code again and verify that your code builds successfully by clicking Build Verse Scripts again in the UEFN toolbar, or clicking Rebuild in the popup message.
When your code builds successfully, but your program isn’t doing what you expect, these issues are called bugs. Bugs are issues with logic in your code, and one way to find them is by printing to the log.
The code in hello_world_device is a good example of how printing to the log is used to verify whether code is running when you start the game.
#TODO: Replace this with your code
Print("Hello, world!")
Print("This is my first line of Verse code!")
Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 2}")
You can also print values to test if your code is doing what you expect. When you run the following code, the text "2 + 2 = 4" appears in the log:
Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 2}")
The expression {2 + 2}
was evaluated to be 4 before the text was printed to the log. The curly brackets {} between the double quotes " " on the last line means that the expression should be evaluated before being converted to text. Injecting a value into a string like this is an example of string interpolation.
If you change the expression between the curly brackets, the value that is printed will change. In the following example, the expression is changed to {2 + 3}
, so "2 + 2 = 5" will appear in the log:
#TODO: Replace this with your code
Print("Hello, world!")
Print("This is my first line of Verse code!")
Print("2 + 2 = {2 + 3}")
Next Steps
Now that you've had a brief introduction to Verse and how to run and troubleshoot your code, go to Learn the Basics of Writing Code in Verse to expand your knowledge of programming in general and learn more about how to harness this programming tool.
You can also play Verse Devices Starter minigame by interacting with the button on the console when you spawn. You can learn how this minigame was created by reading Verse Starter Template, and you can check out the code files used in this project in the Verse Explorer!