How you set player and level parameters defines your game mode and how players can interact with the mechanics of your game. If your level does not have an Island Settings device, open the Content Browser, navigate to All > Fortnite > Devices, drag and place the Island Settings device onto your level.
The Island Settings device combines the Game, Settings, and UI tabs available in the My Island menu — the device's User Options in the Details panel.
Hover over each setting to display tooltips. Each tooltip contains the description of the setting itself, and displays options that you can select. For example, when you hover over Timer Direction, you will see that changing the value to 1 results in the timer counting up.
Some settings require a numerical value to be entered while others can be chosen from a dropdown list.
Outliner Settings
All projects in UEFN have Island Settings in the Outliner panel. When clicked, Island Settings opens a dropdown in the Details panel with option settings similar to those found in Fortnite Creative under My Island.
You can use these options to set the parameters of your game, from how the game begins to how a game successfully completes, including the game duration, matchmaking, and other interactions and configurations.
To use the Island Settings options:
- Select New/Open Project from the File menu.
- Select an existing Project, or create a new one by selecting a template from the Island Templates tab.
- Select Island Settings from the Outliner menu. All the Island Settings open under the Details panel. A new detail is added to the Details panel called Island Settings (Instance).
- Select IslandSettings options for your level.
The tables below lists the options available for:
- User Options Game Rules
- User Options Game Settings
- User Options UI Settings
- User Options - Matchmaking - Auto Generated
- User Options - Debug
User Options Game Rules
Setting | Option | Description |
Voice Chat | Team, None, All | Determines whether voice chat should be allowed within teams, only the teams/squads in scope, or default settings. |
Max Players | X (where X is a number between 1 and 100) | Determines the maximum number of players allowed in the game. |
Teams | Free For All, Team Index, Cooperative, Custom | Determines how many teams players will be divided into:
Team Size | Dynamic, Split Evenly, Select a team size between 1 to 4 players | Determines the number of players per team:
Default Class Identifier | No Class, Class Slot | Defines the default Class for players at Game Start or upon Class reset. To select a class, choose a number in the Class index slot field. Can be overridden by Team Settings & Inventory. Refer to Class Designer. |
Revert To Default Class At | End of Game, End of Round, Player Eliminated | Determines when a player's Class should be reset to the default. |
Spawn Limit (Toggle On and Off) | 0:Infinite, X (where X is a number from 1 to 10) | Determines the number of times a player can spawn into the game, including the initial spawn at Game Start. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory, or Class Designer. |
After Last Spawn Go To | Spectating, Team Index | Determines the team a player will move to after all spawns are used. Can be used to create infection-style games. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Total Rounds | X (where X is a number between 1 and 100) | Determines the number of rounds to play before the game ends. |
Team Rotation (Toggle On and Off) | 1, Select a number of rounds between 1 to 60 | Determines how frequently teams should be rotated. Not supported when 3 or more teams are asymmetric or when teams are set to cooperative. |
End Game On Match Point Win | False, True | Causes the game to end when one player or team has won enough rounds to no longer be able to lose the game. |
Team Visuals Determined At | Round Start, Game Start | Determines if team names and colors change each round or remain unchanged from Game Start. |
Time Limit (Toggle On and Off) | 5.0 Minutes, Select an amount of time between 1 and 120 | Determines the duration of each round or the game itself if only one round. |
Fastest Time Win | False, True | Causes the player or team who wins the round the fastest to win the overall match. Check the box for True. Can be overwritten in Team Settings & Inventory. |
All Teams Must Finish | False, True | Determines whether all teams or just one team/player must complete the win conditions for the game to end. |
Game Win Condition | Most Rounds Wins, Most Score Wins | Determines the overall win condition for the game:
Eliminations to End (Toggle On and Off) | Select a number of eliminations between 1 and 1000. | Causes the round to end when a player or team has achieved the specified number of eliminations. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
AI Eliminations to End (Toggle On and Off) | Select a number of AI eliminations between 1 and 1000. | Causes the round to end when a player or team has destroyed the specified number of Creatures. |
Objectives To End (Toggle On and Off) | Select a number of objectives between 1 and 1000. | Causes the round to end when a player or team has completed the specified number of objectives. |
Collect Items to End (Toggle On and Off) | All, Specific Count | Causes the round to end when a player or team has acquired the specified number of Collectible objects. |
Collect Item Count | Select a number of collected items between 1 and 1000 | This option is only available if Collect Items to End is set to Specific Count. |
Score to End (Toggle On and Off) | Select an amount between 1 and 10,000,000 | Causes the round to end when a player or team has achieved the specified Score. |
Last Standing Ends Game | False, True | Determines whether the game should end when there is only one player/team still alive in the match. Can be overwritten in Round Settings. |
Join In Progress | Spawn, Team Index, Spawn on Next Round, Spectate | Determines where players respawn after death:
Spawn Location | Spawn Pads, Sky, Current Location | Specifies where players will spawn when the game starts:
Spawn Pad Selection | Random, Near Teammates | After a suitable list of spawn pads are determined for a re-spawn , how should the final spawn pad be selected. At the start of the round it will always be random. |
Respawn Type | Individual, Wave | Determines how players will respawn after being eliminated. Changing the respawn type to Wave causes all players eliminated during a certain window to respawn together. The time is set using the Respawn Time setting. |
Post-Game Spawn Location | Island Start, Pre-Game Location | Determines where players respawn when the game ends:
Only Allow Respawn If Spawn Pads found | False, True | Only allows players to respawn if there is a valid spawn pad available. |
Auto Start | False, True | Determines whether the game auto starts or not. |
Game Start Countdown | 0.0, Select a countdown time amount in seconds | Determines the length of countdown after game start or Round Start before the player can begin acting. |
Vehicle Trick Score Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is a value between 0.0 and 2.0) | Sets a multiplier to apply to vehicle trick scores. |
Keep Player Built Structures Between Rounds | False, True | Causes player-built structures to be kept between rounds. Check the box for True. |
Allow Spectating Other Teams | True, False | Determines whether players can watch other teams. |
Elimination Score | 0.0, X (where X is a number between -10,000 and 10,000) | Score awarded to a player when they eliminate another player. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Assist Score | 0.0, X (where X is a number between -10,000 and 10,000) | Score awarded to players who assist in eliminating another player. Set to 0 if your game does not reward eliminating other players. You can override this in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Allow Friendly Fire | False, True | Determines whether two players on the same team can damage each other or not. Check the box for True. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Disable Player Collision | False, True | Determines whether players collide with or pass through each other. Check the box for True. |
Vehicle Impacts Damage Objects | True, False | Determines whether a vehicle impact damages objects or not. |
Vehicle Impact Damage Vehicles | True, False | Determines whether a vehicle impact will damage another vehicle. |
User Options Game Settings
Setting | Option | Description |
Time of Day | Default, Random, X (where X is a time between 12:00 AM and 11:00 PM) | Sets the time of day on the island.
Camera Filter | Default, Comic, Film Noir, Sepia, Retro, Low Exposure, Neon Party, Horror Movie, Old Cartoon, Desolate, Halftone | Sets an optional camera image filter to apply on the island. |
Light Brightness | Default, X (where X is a value between 0% to 100%) | Sets the natural lighting intensity on the island. |
Light Color | Default, White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan | Sets the natural lighting color on the island. |
Character Rimlight Intensity | 0.0, X (where X is the selected intensity amount.) | Determines the intensity of the rim light effect. |
Fog Thickness | Default, X (where X is a value between 0% and 100%) | Sets the fog density on the island. |
Fog Color | Default, White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan | Sets the fog color on the island. |
Enable Fire | True, False | Determines whether weapons with fire damage can set structures on fire. |
Invincibility | False | Determines if players should spawn with invincibility. |
Starting Health Percentage | 100.00, -1.0:Invincible, X (where X is a value between 1% Health and 100% Health) | Determines how much health a player has at spawn. |
Max Health | 100, X (where X is a value between 100% Health and 10,000% Health) | Determines the maximum health value players can reach during the game. |
Allow Health Recharge | False, True | Determines if health recharge is available or not. Health recharge allows players' health to regenerate over time. |
Health Recharge Delay | 6.5, X (where X is the time delay for health recharge) | Determines how long of a delay there is after players have taken damage before Health starts to recharge (based on Health Recharge Amount.) |
Health Recharge Amount | 1.0, X (where X is the value per seconds) | Determines how much Health is recharged per second after the Health Recharge Delay occurs. |
Starting Shield Percentage | 0.0s, X (where X is a value between 0% Shields and 10,000% Shields) | Determines the player's shield capacity when they spawn. |
Max Shields | 100, X (where X is a value between 25% Shields and 10,000% Shields) | Determines the maximum shield value players can reach during the game. |
Allow Shield Recharge | False, True | Determines if shield recharge is available or not. Shield recharge allows players' shields to regenerate over time. |
Shield Recharge Delay | 6.5, X (where X is the time delay for shield recharge) | Determines how long of a delay there is after players have taken damage before the overshield starts to recharge (based on Shield Recharge Amount.) |
Shield Recharge Amount | 1.0, X (where X is the value per seconds) | Determines how much shield is recharged per second after the Shield Recharge Delay occurs. |
Allow Overshield | 0:0, X (where X is a value between 0 and 1.00 Overshield.) | Determines whether Overshield is available or not. Overshield is an additional shield that protects players from damage. |
Overshield Max | 50.00, X (where X is a value between 0% maximum Overshields and 1.00% maximum Overshields) | Determines the maximum overshield players are allowed to have. |
Overshield Recharge Delay | 6.5, X (where X is a value between 0 and 1.00 Overshield Recharge Delay.) | Determines how long a delay there is after players have taken damage before their Overshield starts to recharge (based upon the Overshield Recharge Amount). |
Overshield Recharge Rate | 1.00, X (where X is a value between 0 and 5000 Overshield Recharge Rate.) | Determines how much overshield is recharged per second after the Overshield Recharge Delay occurs. |
Infinite Ammo | False, True | Determines whether players have infinite ammunition during the game. |
Infinite Items | False, True | Determines whether the player has infinite items (Grenades, Slurp Juice) during the game or not. |
Infinite Resources | True, False | Determines whether players have infinite building materials during the game. |
Maximum Building Resources | 500, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 99,999) | Sets the maximum amount of resources a player can carry during the game. |
Harvest Style | Battle Royale, Creative, Save the World | Determines which values are used for resource gathering during the game. |
Harvest Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0X and 10X) | Determines the rate at which players can harvest resources from world objects. |
Allow Aim Assist | True, False | Allows gamepad aim assist in the game. |
Allow Building | All, None, No Traps, Traps Only | Determines type of buildings players are allowed to use:
Allowed to Edit | Default, Anyone | Determines who is allowed to edit player-built structures. |
Building Can Destroy Environment | True, False | Determines whether placing a player-built structure can destroy any parts of the environment that it overlaps with. |
Environment Damage | All, Off, Player Built Only | Determines whether players can damage the environment during the game. |
Structure Damage | All, Self Built, Team Built, Enemy Built, Enemy And Self Built, None | Determines which structures players are able to damage based on who built them during the game. |
Weapon Destruction | 100.0, X (where X is a value between 0% and 500%) | Modifies the amount of damage dealt to the environment and buildings during the games. |
Pickaxe Destruction | None, Default, Instant | Modifies the pickaxe damage dealt to the environment and buildings. |
PVP Pickaxe Damage | On, Off | Determines whether players can inflict pickaxe damage to each other during the game. |
Pickaxe Range Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is a value between 0.00 and 6.00) | Modifies the pickaxe attack range. |
Start with Pickaxe | False, True | Players start the game with a pickaxe. |
Down But Not Out | Default, Classic, Off, Improved | Determines whether players can be put into the Down But Not Out state. Default means that this will be determined automatically based on the team size. |
Drop Reboot Card on Elimination (Toggle On and Off) | Off, On | Determines whether players should drop a Reboot Card upon elimination. Can only drop if a remaining teammate is eligible to use a Reboot Van. |
Squad Multi Interaction | On, Off | Determines whether more than one player can interact with a teammate in the Down But Not Out state. |
Eliminated Player’s Items | Drop, Keep, Delete | Determines what happens to a player's items when they are eliminated:
Allow Item Drop | True, False | Determines whether players can drop items from their inventory during the game. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory, or using a Class Designer device. |
Allow Item Pickup | True, False | Determines whether players can pick up items during the game. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory, or using a Class Designer device. |
Auto Pickup Pickups | Default, No, Yes, Auto Only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up items during the game. |
Auto Pickup Ammo | Default, No, Yes, Auto Only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up ammunition during the game. |
Auto Pickup Items | Default, No, Yes, Auto only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up items during the game. |
Auto Pickup Traps | Default, No, Yes, Auto Only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up traps during the game. |
Auto Pickup Weapons | Default, No, Yes, Auto Only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up weapons during the game. |
Auto Pickup World Resources | Default, No, Yes, Auto Only | Determines whether players will automatically pick up world resources during the game. |
Respawn Time | 1.0 Seconds, X (where X is a chosen value between 1 and 30 Seconds) | Sets the amount of time players must wait after elimination before spawning back into the game. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory, or using a Class Designer device. |
Override Spawn Immunity Time | False, True | Determines if the invulnerability time granted to a player on respawn should be overridden. |
Spawn Time Immunity | 15.0, X (where X is a value from 1 Seconds to 720 Seconds | Determines the period of invulnerability granted to a player when they respawn. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory, or using a Class Designer device. |
Fall Damage | False, True | Determines whether players are affected by fall damage during the game. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Gravity | Normal, Low, Very Low, High, Very High | Sets the level of gravity that affects players during the game. |
Jump Fatigue | False, True | Determines whether continuous jumping applies a penalty to jump height. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Allow Mantling | True, False | Determines whether Mantling is available or not. Mantling allows players to grab onto edges and pull themselves up when jumping. |
Mantling Minimum Height | Normal, Very Low, Low, High | Determines the lowest ledge that can be mantled from the ground. You may wish to adjust these values if gravity and other factors influence mantling. |
Mantling Minimum Height in Water | Normal, Very Low, Low, High | Determines the lowest ledge that can be mantled from the water. You may wish to adjust these values if gravity and other factors influence mantling. |
Allow Hurdling | True, False | Determines whether players can hurdle over low obstacles. |
Allow Sprint | True, False | Determines whether Sprint is available or not. When players activate Spring they move faster. |
Sprinting Energy Cost Per Second | 20.0, Select a Sprinting Energy Cost amount between 0.0 and 100.0 | Determines how much sprinting energy is drained per second while sprinting. |
Sprinting Jump Multiplier | 1.02, Select a Sprinting Jump Multiplier amount between 1.01 and 1.1. | Determines the Jump Multiplier amount when Sprinting is enabled. |
Sprinting Speed Multiplier | 1.04, Select a Sprinting Speed Multiplier amount between 1.01 and 2.0 | Determines how fast Sprinting is compared to movement when not Sprinting. |
Energy Max | 100.0, X (where X is the amount of sprint energy drained during sprinting) | Determines how much Energy is available. This affects Sprint and other abilities that use Energy. |
Energy Recharge Amount | 45.0, X (where X is the value per seconds) | Determines how much Energy is recharged per second after Energy Recharge Delay occurs. |
Energy Recharge Delay | 4.0, X (where X is the time delay for shield recharge) | Determines how long of a delay there is after players have stopped using Energy before it recharges (based on Energy Recharge Amount) |
Allow Sliding | 0.0, Select a Sliding amount between 0.0 and 1.0 | Determines whether players can use Slide to move. |
Allow Slide Kick | False, True | Determines whether sliding players can use the slide kick to impact and knock away players on an opposing team. |
Allow Shoulder Bash | True, False | Determines whether Shoulder Bash is available or not. Shoulder Bash automatically opens doors while players are sliding or sprinting through them. |
Glider Redeploy | False, True | Determines whether players can freely deploy their gliders without the use of items. |
Player Flight | False, True | Determines whether players are able to fly during the game. |
Player Flight Sprint | True, False | Determines whether a player can use the Sprint key while flying to increase movement speed. |
Flight Speed | 3.0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0.5x to 5.0x) | Sets a multiplier on movement speed when flying. Not setting a Flight Speed amount sets a default state that cannot be overridden. |
Always Show Name Plates | Always Show to Team, Always Show to All, Always hide, Custom | Determines whether names and locations can be seen by other players. |
Limit Name Plate Max Distance | False, True | Determines whether player name plates should disappear based on distance from the camera. |
Name Plate Max Distance | 10.0, Select a distance value for nameplates between 0.0 and 1500.0) | Determines whether players can see the names and locations of other players depending on the set value of the distance between them and the nameplate. |
Name Plate Line of Sight | Always Show, Hide Behind Obstacles | Determines whether a player can see nameplates through obstacles or not. |
Focus for Name Plates | Always Show to All, Always Hide | Determines whether the nameplates will hide whenever a player is obstructed by an obstacle. |
Focus Angle | 15.0 Degrees, X (X is the set degrees of the angle) | Determines the maximum angle that a player can be from the look direction of the player in order to be valid for focusing. |
Focus Time | 0.0, Select the number of seconds between 0.0 and 2.0 | Determines how long you have to be looking at a player for their nameplate to become visible. |
Health Granted on Elimination | 0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 10,000) | Specifies the amount of health granted to a player when they eliminate another player. Any health awarded above a player's Max Health value is awarded as shields. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Wood Granted on Elimination | 0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 999) | Specifies the amount of wood granted to a player when they eliminate another player. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Stone Granted On Elimination | 0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 999) | Specifies the amount of stone granted to a player when they eliminate another player. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Metal Granted On Elimination | 0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 999) | Specifies the amount of metal granted to a player when they eliminate another player. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Gold Granted On Elimination | 0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 999) | Specifies the amount of gold granted to a player when they eliminate another player. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory or using a Class Designer device. |
Self Damage On Hit Amount | 0.0, X (where X is a chosen value between 0 and 999) | Sets the amount of damage the players will deal to themselves whenever they hit something else. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Self-Damage Only On Non-Zero Damage | True, False | Determines whether the player must inflict non-zero damage to something before taking self-damage. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Self-Damage Target Filter | All, Non-Players, Players Only | Specifies which types of target cause self-damage when hit. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Self-Damage Weapon Filter | All, Pickaxe Only, Melee Only, Ranged Only | Determines which types of weapons can inflict self-damage. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Allow Manual Respawning | True, False | Determines whether players can use the Respawn menu option during the game. |
Show Wood Resource Count | True, False | Determines whether the amount of wood carried is shown on the player's HUD. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Show Stone Resource Count | True, False | Determines whether the amount of stone carried is shown on the player's HUD. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Show Metal Resource Count | True, False | Determines whether the amount of metal carried is shown on the player's HUD. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Show Gold Resource Count | False, True | Determines whether the amount of gold carried is shown on the player's HUD. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Maximum Equipment Slots (Toggle On and Off) | 5.0, X (where X is a value between 1 slot and 5 slots) | Sets the maximum number of equipment slots for players during the game. Can be overridden in Team Settings & Inventory. |
Maximum Tamed Wildlife | 3, X (where X is a value between 0 animals and 3 animals) | Determines the limit of wildlife players are allowed to tame in game. |
Maximum Hired Guards | 3, X (where X is a value between 0 Hired Guards and 3 Hired Guards) | Determines the limit of hired guards players are allowed to hire in game. |
Player Elimination Audio | False, True | Determines whether the audio effects of an eliminated player are played. |
Hide Back Bling | True, False | Determines whether players’ Back Bling is hidden or visible. |
Party Signals | False, True | Determines whether players can use the Party Signal device while visiting your island.
Slow Motion on End Of Round | True, False | Toggle on or off the slow motion effect when the round ends. |
Victory Animation | Default, None | Animation shown upon victory. Default is the confetti animation. |
Edit Mode - Enable Pickaxe | False, True | Determines whether players have a pickaxe when editing this island. |
Player Built Wood Structures Health Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is the amount of health applied to player built wood structures) | Health multiplier applied to Player Built Structures made of Wood. |
Player Built Stone Structures Health Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is the amount of health applied to player built wood structures) | Health multiplier applied to Player Built Structures made of Stone. |
Player Built Metal Structures Health Multiplier | 1.0, X (where X is the amount of health applied to player built wood structures) | Health multiplier applied to Player Built Structures made of Metal. |
User Options UI Settings
Setting | Option | Description |
Timer Direction | Count Down, Count Up | By default, the timer direction is set to Count Down. Specifies whether the timer should count up or down. |
Game Winner Display Time | 0.0, Set the amount of time in seconds | Determines how long the game winner’s name displays at the end of the game. |
Game Score Display Time | 0.0, Set the amount of time in seconds | Determines how long the final scoreboard displays for at the end of the game. |
Round Winner Display Time | 0.0, Set the amount of time in seconds | Determines how long the round winner’s name displays for at the end of the round. |
Round Score Display Time | 0.0, Set the amount of time in seconds | Determines how long the round’s final scoreboard displays for at the end of the round. |
HUD Info Type (Toggle On and Off) | AI Enemy Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Round Status (only 2 teams), Tracker Unranked, Tracker Ranked | Specifies which type of information is tracked in the HUD, however, a team's Round status is only available for games with 2 teams. |
Show Top Center Score HUD | False, True | If true, shows the top center score HUD. |
Max Trackers on HUD | 1, Select the number of trackers between 0 and 3 | Determines how many tracker devices can be displayed on the HUD simultaneously. |
Show Cumulative Stat Value on HUD | False, True | Determines whether the HUD shows information for just the current round or cumulative across all rounds. |
Show Resource Feed on Eliminations | False, True | Determines whether to show the larger resource feed when receiving resources by eliminating players. |
Use Team Score | False, True | Determines whether each team in the game gains stats with its players or simply uses a sum of its player's stats. This allows teams to retain their score when a player leaves the team or game. |
Round Win Condition (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Determines the winner of the round. Displayed in the first column of the scoreboard. |
Time Alive Start Point | Pawn Created, Round Start | Determines when Time Alive begins tracking - at the start of the round or when the player is spawned. |
Tiebreaker 1 (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Tiebreaker for the win condition. Displayed in the second column of the scoreboard. |
Tiebreaker 2 (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Tiebreaker for the win condition. Displayed in the third column of the scoreboard. |
Tiebreaker 3 (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Tiebreaker for the win condition. Displayed in the fourth column of the scoreboard. |
Tiebreaker 4 (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Tiebreaker for the win condition. Displayed in the fifth column of the scoreboard. |
First Scoreboard Column (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Set the statistic to be displayed in the first column of the scoreboard. |
Second Scoreboard Column (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Set the statistic to be displayed in the second column of the scoreboard. |
Third Scoreboard Column (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Set the statistic to be displayed in the third column of the scoreboard. |
Fourth Scoreboard Column (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Set the statistic to be displayed in the fourth column of the scoreboard. |
Fifth Scoreboard Column (Toggle On and Off) | Eliminations, Assists, Eliminated, Collect Items, Health, AI Eliminations, Score, Objectives, Time, Spawns Left, Lap time, Time Alive, Damage Dealt, Damage Taken, Race Time | Set the statistic to be displayed in the fifth column of the scoreboard. |
Map Screen Display | Scoreboard, Overview Map, Last Opened Tab | Choose whether to display the game scoreboard or the overview map when a player presses the Map key. |
Display Overview Map | True, False | Determines whether the overview map is available on the Map key menu. |
Display Scoreboard | True, False | Determines whether the scoreboard is available on the Map key menu. |
Display Career Scoreboard | False, True | Determines if the career scoreboard is available on the Map key menu. |
Show Cumulative Scoreboard | False, True | Choose whether the scoreboard should show information just for the current round or cumulative across all rounds. |
Show Individual Scores | False, True | Toggles the scoreboard between displaying individual player stats or team based stats in team based games. |
Include Players Who Left Game in Scoreboard | False, True | Determines whether to include players who left the game in the scoreboard. |
Show Island Code Watermark | True, False | Causes your name and published island code to appear in place of the compass. |
Game End Callout | You Win/Lose, Placement, Cooperative | Choose the callout type of the game end screen. Cooperative shows everyone the same end screen using the Victory Sound, and Custom Victory Callout. |
Victory Sound | Choose from a selection of various sounds for the Victory Sound. | What sound to play when players win the game. Also used for cooperative game end. |
Defeat Sound | Choose from a selection of various sounds for the Defeat Sound. | What sound to play when players lose the game. Also used for cooperative game end. |
Draw Sound | Choose from a selection of various sounds for the Draw Sound | What sound to play when the game ends in a tie. |
Custom Victory Callout | Create your own Custom Victory Callout in 80 characters. | Message to be played in victory or cooperative game end to match your custom message. Clear this field to restore defaults. |
Custom Defeat Callout | Create your own Custom Defeat Callout in 80 characters. | Message to be displayed in the defeat screen. Clear this field to restore defaults. |
Show Elimination Feed | True, False | Controls whether the Elimination feed is hidden for all players during the game. |
Show Party Eliminations | True, False | The number of eliminations gained by party members from the Party UI. |
Post Game Type | Classic, Battle Royale, Custom | Determines the type of animation at the end of the game.
Post Game Show Scoreboard | False, True | Show scoreboard on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Victory Animation Style | Lightning Bolt, Shards, Wipe Left to Right, Wipe Right to Left, Wipe Top to Bottom, Wipe Bottom to Top, None | Victory animation style to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Victory Color Set | Golden Yellow, Blue Green, Vibrant Purple, Furious Flame, Monochrome, Failure Red | Victory animation color set to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Victory Text | Enter text | Optional victory text for custom postgame flow. |
Post Game Custom Victory Sub Text | Enter text | Optional victory sub text for custom postgame flow. |
Post Game Custom Defeat Animation Style | Lightning Bolt, Shards, Wipe Left to Right, Wipe Right to Left, Wipe Top to Bottom, Wipe Bottom to Top, None | Defeat animation style to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Defeat Color Set | Golden Yellow, Blue Green, Vibrant Purple, Furious Flame, Monochrome, Failure Red | Defeat animation color set to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Defeat Text | Enter text | Optional defeat text for custom postgame flow. |
Post Game Custom Defeat Sub Text | Enter text | Optional defeat sub text for custom postgame flow. |
Post Game Custom Tie Animation Style | Lightning Bolt, Shards, Wipe Left to Right, Wipe Right to Left, Wipe Top to Bottom, Wipe Bottom to Top, None | Tie animation style to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Tie Color Set | Golden Yellow, Blue Green, Vibrant Purple, Furious Flame, Monochrome, Failure Red | Tie animation color set to use on custom post game flow. |
Post Game Custom Tie Text | Enter text | Optional tie text for custom postgame flow. |
Post Game Custom Tie Sub Text | Enter text | Optional tie sub text for custom postgame flow. |
Edit Mode HUD - Show Health and Shield | False, True | Determines whether to show the health and shield while editing the island. |
Edit Mode HUD - Show UI Under Mini Map | False, True | Determines whether to show the UI under the Mini Map while editing the island. |
Edit Mode HUD - Show Resources | False, True | Determines whether to show resources while editing the island. |
UI Team Colors | Relationship, Team Color | Select the color to represent the teams. |
User Options - Matchmaking - Auto Generated
These settings cannot be adjusted.
Setting | Option | Description |
Matchmaking Max Players Per Session | 32 | Maximum number of players matchmaking will allow to join a session. |
Matchmaking Max Team Count | 32 | The number of teams the session expects to have. |
User Options - Debug
Setting | Option | Description |
Debug | False, True | Determines whether debug features are enabled or disabled. |
Navigation | False, True | Determines whether the NavMesh is displayed during the game. NavMesh will only be generated when the island has at least an AI Spawner placed. |
Invincibility | False, True | Determines whether players take damage during the game. |
Verse Debug Draw | False, True | Determines whether debug draw features for Verse are enabled or disabled. |