The Creator Portal provides a way for you to form collaborative teams of developers and creators that can work together on shared UEFN projects.
With the UEFN teams feature, you can set clear roles and responsibilities, have different team members working on different features at the same time, and track changes and versions of shared projects.
These collaborative UEFN projects can also be published through the Creator Portal.
Setting Up Teams and Assigning Roles
Team members can have different roles depending on the project, so assign roles according to each one’s strengths, and the permissions you want to grant them. Teams have a maximum number of 30 members.
Click image to enlarge.
To invite others to a team, you will go through an age verification process that includes providing the email address used with your Epic account.
You must be over 18 to invite other creators to a team, or accept an invite to join another creator’s team.

Team members must be over 18 to join a team and work on team projects.
From the Creator Portal:
Log in to your personal account.
Click the down arrow from your name badge in the Creator Portal navigation menu. This opens the Team Select window.
Click Create New Team in the Team Select window. The Team Management window opens in the Creator Portal.
Type the team name in the Team Name field under Team Details, then provide a description of the team and what its goals are in the Team Description field.
Add team members using their personal Epic Account name and assign a role. Follow steps 5 and 6 to add additional team members.
Click the Create Team button to create the team.
You can select one of your UEFN projects from the Project Transfer dropdown menu to transfer to the team.
Once your team is set up you can always add new team members later on as you need. To add new team members, click the Add new by Epic Display Name button under Team Members to begin adding one or more team members, then follow the instructions under Adding Additional Team Members.

Team members can have one of the following roles:
Team Member Role | Responsibilities |
Owner | Controls all team branding, branding profiles, and monetization. Assigns team members, views projects and project links, can create new project versions, edit project metadata, submit project metadata for moderation, transfer project ownership, and promote and demote admins. |
Administrator | Views projects and project links, can create new project versions, edit project metadata, submit project metadata for moderation, transfer project ownership, and promote and demote admins. |
Publisher | Can publish and manage projects, view projects and project links, can create new project versions, and submit project metadata for moderation. |
Collaborator | Views projects and project links, can create new project versions, and edit project metadata. |
Not all team members will be able to publish or edit islands. Only Owners, Administrators, and Publishers can publish and edit metadata for projects, Collaborators cannot.
If you are on the team and have the appropriate role, you can change the role of a team member at any time by clicking on their role and selecting a new role from the dropdown menu.
When you log into the Creator Portal you can switch the portal view between your personal profile and the team profile by clicking the down arrow in the name badge and selecting the profile from the Select Team window. You can even choose to create a new team if you want from here as well.
Click image to enlarge.
Adding Additional Team Members
You can add more team members after the team is established. To add additional team members:
Log into your Creator Profile.
Click the down arrow from the team selector in the Creator Portal navigation menu. This opens the Select Team window.
Select the team from the Select Team window.
Click Add Team Member from the team page in the Creator Portal. A panel slides out from the right.
Click image to enlarge.
Click the Add new by Epic Display Name button to begin adding new members and assigning roles.
Click Add Team Members at the bottom of the panel when you're finished adding new team members.
Click the Copy to Clipboard button. This copies a link to the team’s Creator Portal page that can be sent in an email, instant message or whatever communication method you use.
Invited team members appear on the Team Members list in a Pending Invite state. When a potential team member follows the URL and accepts the invitation to the project, their state updates to an official team member along with the role they have on the team.
It is possible to add too many team members to a single team. In that case you will receive a message about the team being full.

Accepting a Team Invite
When you’re invited to join a team, you’ll receive a URL to click.
To join:
Click the link to navigate to the team’s Creator Portal.
Click the Join Team button, you now have access to the team’s page and projects.
After you become a member of the team, you can access the team page through the Creator Portal. This provides you with access to team projects and project test codes.
Changing Team View
You may be a member of multiple teams, all of which you can view and access through the Creator Portal. To change which team you’re currently viewing:
Click the down arrow on the Team Selector in the top left corner of the Creator Profile. The Team Select window opens.
Select the team you want to view from the menu. The team page opens.
Click image to enlarge.
Publishing a Team Project
Once a team project is ready for publishing, an Owner, Administrator, or Publisher can publish the island from the team’s Creator Portal. To publish a team project, refer to the Publishing Projects document.