Materials can be animated to create effects on meshes by adding the materials to a Cinematic Sequence device then capturing a sequence of animations that use the material’s behavior.
This tutorial uses the mesh and material made in both the Slicing Material Effect and Cut a Mesh in Half tutorials. You'll need to create a third material for this tutorial and reuse nodes from the previous two tutorials to make a material you can animate.

First Steps
Follow the steps below to create an animation using a material and the Cinematic Sequence device.
Right-click in your project folder, select New Folder and name the folder Animation.
Open the Animation folder, then right-click and select Cinematics > Level Sequence.
Name the new sequence thumbnail S_Demo_01.
Drag the mesh actor with the slicing material into the viewport. Now you’re ready to animate the mesh.
Creating the Animation
Select +Track > Actor to Sequencer > your mesh actor. The Outliner opens, search for your mesh actor in the Outliner and select it.
Another option is to move the mesh in the scene, capturing the movement between frames. You could also add Tracks to the Sequencer for the components and values of the mesh.
The mesh becomes an Actor in the Sequencer. You can view the details of the mesh available for animating by clicking Tracks and selecting a menu option. The Material parameters are the only values that will be edited in the Sequencer.
Select the mesh in the Sequencer, then click + > Static Mesh Component 0. The Static Mesh Component 0 is added to the track.
Select Static Mesh Component 0 click Tracks > Slot 0 from Material Parameters. The variable 0 is added to the Track. This directly references the material on the mesh.
Select Slot 0 and click Parameter, then select the material parameter you want to animate from the dropdown menu. In this case, Clip is selected.
Click the arrow icon beside Slot 0 to open the parameter you added to the track. Here is where you will edit the Z-axis parameter for the animation using the Clip node you created.
With the material parameter in the track, you can edit the parameter’s numerical value according to the frame you select, setting a sequence of key frames that create an animation based on the numerical value you used on Clip (the material parameter).
Changing the parameters of the Constant node attached to the Z axis input in the parameters of the material inside the sequencer changes the mesh in the viewport. Now you’re ready to animate using the material.
Make sure the Auto Key icon is selected in the Sequencer toolbar.
Make sure your mesh is in the viewport frame so you can see how the numerical value changes affect the mesh.
Move the frame control stick in the Sequencer to another point.
Press + in the Clip filed to add a new keyframe, then change the Parameter value. Changing the Clip parameter value creates a red dot on the track that is capturing the materials movement along the Z-axis between the frames. The combination of keyframes creates the animation of the mesh.
Click image to enlarge.
Repeat the step above, moving the frame, then changing the parameter value up by 0.1.
Grab the frame control stick and move it across all the frames when you are either out of frames or have the number of frames you want.
As you move the frames, notice that your animation has been captured.
Save your progress.
Playing Your Animation
To play your animation you need to add the following devices to your project's viewport.
Cinematic Sequence device
Button device
Following the steps below to animate your material:
Select the Button device in the Outliner and open the Button devices Details panel.
Edit the User Options - Functions > Enable to Player 1 Spawn Pad > On Player Spawned.
Select the Cinematic Sequence device in the Outliner and open the Details panel.
Add the new sequence to the Sequence option in the device Details panel.
Toggle Auto Play on. The sequence auto plays when the game starts.
Edit the User Options-Functions > Play Function to Button > On Interact.
Click the Save icon, then click the Launch Session button. The Fortnite Creative client connects to UEFN and opens.
Start a game to playtest your animation.
Press E to interact with the Button device. This will play the animation.
This is the basic setup for animating a mesh.
You can use these instructions to create an effect on a mesh and animate it to create a ghost, the blinking eyes on a robot, and more, depending on the nodes and configurations you use.