The Tools category in the Library provides you with various tools for workflow iteration, and to improve the visual fidelity of your scene.
This page provides an overview of these tools.
The Sections category contains the Section cube tool that you can use to cut or hide objects or portions of objects in a scene.
The Section cube tool can be used on Library objects and point cloud objects.
Reflection Probes
Twinmotion provides a Sphere reflection probe and a Box reflection probe that enhance the realism of your scenes by improving reflections and creating realistic reflective surfaces such as mirrors and glass.
With the Notes tool, you can annotate your scenes by dragging and dropping notes into the Viewport. This can be useful when reviewing projects with colleagues and clients, or when you want to leave notes in exported images, videos, and panoramas.
The notes are fully customizable: you can change the text alignment, and their size, color, and camera position. Notes can be minimized and maximized in the Viewport and in Presenter mode. You can also save and reimport them into any CAD application that supports the VCF format, such as Archicad or Revit.
Measure Tools
The Measure tools give you the ability to measure objects and areas, or to calculate the distance between two objects or points in the scene. They can be used in either metric or imperial units and customized by changing their color, and the scale and position of the measurement text.
When the Constraint parameter is enabled, the Measure tools automatically detect objects to measure the distance between them. If you want to manually select the objects to measure, or if you want to specify a length for the Measure tools, disable the Constraint parameter.
The Measure Tool 2 is specifically designed to help you quickly measure distances between two points. You can also align it to world space by holding down the Shift key while placing the second point of the tool.
The Measure tools are not visible in Path tracer rendering mode, in the Media preview window, or in exported media.
Cycloramas are 3D models you can use to quickly set up a studio environment for your renderings. They are ideal to showcase products against a custom background and lighting of your choice. Twinmotion provides several cycloramas in a variety of shapes: curved, domed, and plane. You can change the width, depth, height and radius of the cycloramas, and apply materials to them.
Virtual Production > LED wall
LED walls are used in virtual production environments in the entertainment industry in settings such as shows in large public venues, film sets, and television. They are composed of several LED panels on which high-definition images and videos are projected, and can also be used for chroma key compositing for special effects and post-production.
You can use the LED wall model in Twinmotion for pre-production purposes to create and preview your designs. The LED wall supports both Real time and Path tracer rendering mode, and has emissive properties to enhance the lighting in your scenes.
You can use LED walls in the following three modes:
Chroma key: Use the Color picker to apply any color to the LED wall.
Configuration: Change the angle of a LED wall (from -360 to 360 degrees), the width and height, and the number of columns and rows that make up the panels of the wall.
Texture / Video: Apply an image or video texture to the LED wall, and customize the scale, X and Y offset values, and glow emitted from the LED wall.
LED wall in Chroma key, Configuration, and Texture / Video mode.
To animate objects in your scene use the Rotator and Translator tools in the Animators section. By linking a Rotator or Translator with objects from the Library, you can create your own custom animations such as opening and closing windows and doors, rotating a ceiling fan, or creating a moving elevator.
Doors animated with the Rotator tool.
The project in the Animators section is courtesy of Epic Games and David Baylis.