The Library panel in Twinmotion provides a quick and convenient way to access content from the Sketchfab 3D models library. The assets in the Sketchfab library are made by a community of millions of creators who upload and share their content. From the Sketchfab library integrated into Twinmotion, you can browse and instantly download over 700,000 free for commercial use 3D assets and drag them directly into your Twinmotion scenes.
Keep Hierarchy Mode
By default, Sketchfab assets that you download are imported using a Keep Hierarchy mode. In this mode, if an asset contains multiple parts (meshes), a Container composed of a root folder and each separate part is automatically created in the Scene graph, which means you can show, hide, and transform each part independently from the other parts.
If you want to download a Sketchfab asset in one part only, select the Merge all objects checkbox in the Preferences panel (Preferences > Settings > Sketchfab library import) before downloading the asset.
Using the Sketchfab Assets in Twinmotion
To download and use Sketchfab assets in Twinmotion, you must first log into your Epic Account. Once you have downloaded them and added them to a scene, you can view metadata information about them in Twinmotion.
Viewing and Downloading Sketchfab Assets
In Twinmotion, log into your Epic Account by clicking the My account icon in the Header, or selecting Sign in to Epic Games from the File menu.
In the Library panel, click the Sketchfab library icon.
All of the Sketchfab library categories can be accessed in Twinmotion. The assets are categorized as follows:
Animals & Pets
Art & Abstract
Cars & Vehicles
Characters & Creatures
Cultural Heritage & History
Electronic & Gadgets
Fashion & Style
Food & Drink
Furniture & Home
Nature & Plants
News & Politics
Places & Travel
Science & Technology
Sports & Fitness
Weapons & Military
Browse the assets.
When you hover over the thumbnail of an asset, a Preview panel appears. The panel contains information about the asset, such as the name, creator, and size of the asset.
If you want the Preview panel to remain open while you browse, click the thumbnail of an asset. To close the panel, click the Close (X) icon in the panel.
For an interactive 3D preview of the asset and to view more information about the asset, click Open in Sketchfab (optional).
To mark an asset as a favorite, click the __Heart __icon (optional).
For more information about favorites in the Library, see Favorites.
To download an asset, click the Download icon in either the thumbnail preview of the library or in the Preview panel.
Once the asset has been downloaded, drag it into the scene.
By default, the downloaded Sketchfab assets are saved to your computer in the following folder:
C:\Users\username\Documents\Twinmotion[version number]\SketchfabCloudLibrary\CloudLibrary
You can change this location in the Preferences panel under Settings > Custom paths.
Viewing the Metadata of Sketchfab Assets in Twinmotion
In the Viewport or the Scene graph, select the Sketchfab asset.
The Metadata panel is displayed in the Properties panel.
In the Metadata panel, click Sketchfab to view the metadata.
Sketchfab Asset Licensing and Usage
The Sketchfab assets in Twinmotion are provided under the following Creative Commons license types:
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
Attribution-NoDerives (CC BY-ND)
Public Domain (CC0)
They can be used for commercial purposes, but attribution must be given to the creators if you use assets in the CC BY, CC BY-SA, and CC BY-ND license types. For more information about Creative Commons licenses, see the Creative Commons website.
When you hover over an asset in the Library, a Preview panel appears showing the author’s name and other information about the asset. To view the Creative Commons license type, click Read more.
Viewing and Copying Attribution Text
To view and copy the suggested attribution text for one Sketchfab asset:
In the Preview panel click Open in Sketchfab.
On the Sketchfab website, click Download 3D model. In the popup that opens, the suggested attribution is located under Credit the Creator.
To copy the credits and include the embedded hyperlinks, click Copy Credits.
If your scene contains several Sketchfab assets, from the File menu you can export a .csv
file that contains the following information for all the Sketchfab assets in your scene: Creator name, Asset name, License type, and Download date.
To view and copy the suggested attribution text for several Sketchfab assets:
In the menu, go to File > Export credits.
In the Export credits window, enter a name for the file and select where you want to save it, then click Save.
If you use the Export credits command in Twinmotion files created prior to version 2023.1, the Download date value will be “Unknown”.
The Sketchfab library provided in Twinmotion has the following limitations:
If you already have a Sketchfab account, you do not have access to any Sketchfab 3D models that were acquired by you or your organization. You only have access to the Sketchfab assets provided in the Twinmotion Library.
All Sketchfab objects are collapsed and the geometry of objects cannot be edited.
Animated objects and skeletal animation are not supported.
Certain materials with complex shaders, such as Frosted Glass or Sheen, will be converted to default Twinmotion generic materials.
Objects, materials, and generic materials are not instantiated when they are dragged from the Library to the scene in the Viewport.
Low Poly Old Vintage Table Desk - Wooden Table by vracolacus is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Baked goods by Rigsters is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Locomotive by yanix is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.