The following tables describe the available settings for the Standard materials in Twinmotion.
You can override certain values for settings. For example, the maximum value you can attain by moving the Gamma slider for the base color texture is 2.0. However, you can override this by manually entering a value.
When you can override the value of a setting, it is marked by an asterisk ( * ) in the tables below.
Setting | Description |
Tint | Opens the Color picker, where you can tint the base color texture. |
Grunge | Overlays the base color texture with an additional predefined grunge texture. Options: 0 to 100% |
Luminosity | Makes the color darker or brighter. Values lower than 50% darken the color, and values higher than 50% brighten the color. By default, the value is set to 50%, which has no effect on the luminosity. Options: 0 to 100% |
Texture | A user-defined texture that defines the base color and pattern of the material. You can also specify the Saturation, Gamma, Lift, and Gain values of the texture. |
Saturation | Defines the color intensity of the base color texture. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.0 to 2.0* |
Gamma | Adjusts the luminance curve (gamma values) of the base color texture. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.1 to 2.0* |
Gamma > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Lift | Raises and lowers the dark tones of the base color texture. Changing the Lift value does not affect the Gain value. By default, the value is 0.0. Options: -1.0* to 1.0 |
Lift > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Gain | Adjusts the bright tones of the base color texture. Changing the Gain value does not affect the Lift value. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.0 to 2.0* |
Gain > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Option | Description |
Triplanar | If enabled, this setting automatically projects textures onto the surfaces of objects that do not have UV mapping or incorrect UV mapping. Triplanar mapping can be applied in World space or Local space:
Options: Off, World space, Local space |
Randomize UV | Randomizes the UV tiling of materials. This can be useful when you want to avoid repeating the tiling pattern on a material that is used on a large surface area. To use it, select the material on an object or surface in the scene and enable the setting. We recommend using this setting only for organic materials such as grass, dirt, and rocks. Using this setting on materials with geometric patterns can result in visible artifacts. |
Rotation | Adjusts the orientation of the base color texture by degrees. By default, the value is 0°. Options: 0° to 359° |
Scale | Reduces or increases the scale of the pattern on the base color texture. By default, the value is 1.00. Options: 0.10* to 10.00* |
Stretch on X | Stretches the base color texture horizontally. By default, the value is 1.00. Options: 0.10* to 10.00* |
Stretch on Y | Stretches the base color texture vertically. By default, the value is 1.00. Options: 0.10* to 10.00* |
Offset X | Moves the position of the base color texture horizontally. By default, the value is 0.00. Options: -1.00 to 1.00 |
Offset Y | Moves the position of the base color texture vertically. By default, the value is 0.00. Options: -1.00 to 1.00 |
Speed X | Controls the horizontal movement, if any, of the base color texture. By default there is no movement, and the value is 0.00. Options: 0.00 to 10.00 |
Speed Y | Controls the vertical movement, if any, of the base color texture. By default there is no movement, and the value is 0.00. Options: 0.00 to 10.00 |
Option | Description |
Intensity | Defines how light is scattered on surfaces. By default, Intensity is set to 0%. Options: 0 to 100% |
Texture | A user-defined texture that is used to simulate the roughness or smoothness of a material. It is a grayscale image, where white represents full roughness and black represents high gloss. |
Invert | If enabled, reverts the black and white values of the Roughness texture. |
Specular | Adjusts the amount of specular contribution. Options: 0% to 100% |
Clear coat
Option | Description |
Enable | Enables the clear coat effect which adds a thin translucent layer of film over the surface of a material. |
Roughness | Adjusts the surface finish of the clear coat. Typically the value is low or 0% to ensure a glossy finish. To achieve a matte finish over a metallic base coat increase the value. By default, the value is 5%. Options: 0 to 100% |
Opacity | Adjusts the visibility of the clear coat. Reducing the visibility is similar to reducing the thickness of the clear coat layer. A very thin clear coat layer has less visible impact over the underlying surface. By default, the value is 75%. Options: 0 to 100% |
Option | Description |
Intensity | Defines the degree to which the Metallic texture has an effect. By default, the value is 0%. Options: 0 to 100% |
Texture | A user-defined texture that is used to simulate materials that have metallic properties. It is a grayscale image where the white parts represent full metal (100%) and the black parts represent non-metal. |
Invert | If enabled, inverts the black and white values of the Metallic texture. |
Option | Description |
Intensity | Defines the intensity of the Normal texture. By default, the value is 0%. Options: 0 to 100% Normal texture intensity (Click image to expand). |
Normal map | A user-defined texture that provides surface details and creates the illusion of depth by simulating bumps, scratches, and imperfections. |
Invert | Changes how the texture is interpreted when rendered. By default, the DirectX format is used. Options: On (OpenGL), Off (DirectX) |
Parallax | If enabled, the parallax Height map texture improves the illusion of depth provided by the Normal map texture. |
Height map | A user-defined texture that creates the illusion of depth and height on the surface of materials. |
Intensity | Sets the intensity of the Height map texture. Options: 0 to 100% |
Height map reference plane | Adjusts the origin of the parallax effect in relation to the surface of the geometry based on the Height map texture. The Height map texture is a grayscale image in which white represents the highest point of the parallax effect, and black represents the lowest point.
Options: 0 to 100\% Click image to expand. |
Ambient Occlusion
This setting is not supported in Path tracer rendering mode.
Option | Description |
Intensity | Sets the intensity of the Ambient Occlusion (AO) texture. |
Texture | A user-defined texture that creates the soft shadowing that occurs when a scene is lit by an indirect light source or on a cloudy day. This is useful for enhancing the details in shadowing in the Real time rendering mode. |
Setting | Description |
Intensity | Sets the intensity of the Luminance filter. By default, the nit value is 0.0. Options: 0.0 nits to 100000.0 nits |
Luminance filter | Opens the Color picker, where you can select a color that tints the emissive effect. |
Texture | A user-defined texture that darkens the emissive effect. Useful for screens or for masking the emissive effect. |
Color temperature | Emulates the color temperatures of incandescent light sources. Lower values are warmer, and higher values are colder. By default, the value is 6500K, equivalent to pure white light. Options: 1000K to 12000K |
Saturation | Defines the color intensity of the Emissive texture. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.0 to 2.0* |
Gamma | Adjusts the luminance curve (gamma values) of the Emissive texture. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.1 to 2.0* |
Gamma > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Lift | Raises and lowers the dark tones of the Emissive texture. Changing the Lift value does not affect the Gain value. By default, the value is 0.0. Options: -1.0* to 1.0 |
Lift > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Gain | Adjusts the bright tones of the Emissive texture. Changing the Gain value does not affect the Lift value. By default, the value is 1.0. Options: 0.0 to 2.0* |
Gain > RGB | RGB Offers granular control over individual red, green, and blue channels. |
Dusk to dawn | Automatically enables or disables the emissive effect depending on the time of day. When selected, the emissive effect is disabled at dawn and enabled at dusk. This can be useful for transitioning scenes between day and night when using the Emissive setting to simulate lighting. For this effect to be noticeable, the intensity of the Emissive setting must be higher than 0.0nits. |
Option | Description |
Use mask | Enables or disables the opacity mask in the base color texture (if the base color texture has an opacity mask) or the Opacity map (if an opacity map is in use). The opacity mask in the base color texture and the Opacity map texture define which parts of the base color texture are transparent. |
Use opacity map | Enables or disables the Opacity map texture. |
Opacity map | A user-defined texture that defines the material's opaque and transparent areas. It is a grayscale image, where the light and dark tones show or hide degrees of opacity. You can use this texture if the base color texture does not contain an opacity mask. |
Invert | If enabled, inverts the black and white values of the opacity mask (if it is present in the alpha channel of the base color texture) and the user-defined Opacity map texture. |
Option | Description |
Enabled | Enables or disables the x-ray material. When enabled, an x-ray material is displayed on top of the material. By default, the setting is disabled. |
Color | Opens the Color picker, where you can define the color of the x-ray material. |
Opacity | Adjusts the opacity of the x-ray material. By default, the value is 50%. Options: 0 to 100% |
Falloff | Adjusts the opacity on the grazing angle of the surface. By default, the value is 0.7. Options: 0.0 to 1.0 |
Option | Description |
Two sided | Defines whether the material is two-sided. You can only enable this setting when the X-ray setting is disabled. By default, the setting is disabled. Options: On, Off |
Weather | Defines whether or not weather settings, such as rain or snow, have an effect on the material. By default, the setting is enabled. Options: On, Off |
Sound | Defines the type of footstep sound that is heard when you navigate a scene in Pedestrian mode. Options: Carpet, Concrete, Glass, Grass, Gravel, Ground, Metal, Snow, Water, Wood |