The main areas of the Twinmotion user interface are as follows:
The Top bar
The Header
The Viewport
The Panels
The Docks
The Footer
1- Top Bar
The Top bar contains the Menu bar, displays the Twinmotion version and file name, and provides a link to open Twinmotion in Full screen mode.
The Menu bar, located in the top-left corner, contains the File, Edit, and Help menus.
Full screen mode expands the Twinmotion window so that it fills your entire computer screen, giving you a larger workspace.
2- Header
The Header contains a shortcut to the Home panel, the Toolbar, and a shortcut to access your Epic Account and Twinmotion Cloud.
The Home panel icon, located in the top-left corner, provides a quick way to go back to the Home panel. For more information about the Home panel, see The Home Panel.
From the Toolbar you can enable or disable the Path tracer and access a variety of tools to manipulate assets in the Viewport, such as the Material picker and the Translate tool. If you click the Open icon, you can expand the Toolbar and access the Rotate, Scale, Move with collision (Early Access), Gravity (Early Access), Toggle Local / Word Axis, and Pivot edit tools. For more information about the Toolbar, see The Toolbar.
When you sign-in to your Epic Account, you can download and use the cloud assets in the Library, use Twinmotion Cloud, and access the Twinmotion Support Community. For more information about Twinmotion Cloud and the Twinmotion Support Community, see Twinmotion Cloud and Twinmotion Community.
3 - Viewport
The Viewport is the area where the 3D scene you import or open appears. By default, the Viewport contains a Starting ground, Starting landscape, and Starting base. It also contains the Navigation panel, and provides links to use Twinmotion in Presenter mode and to open the View menu.
For more information about the Viewport, see The Viewport.
For information about how to navigate in the Viewport, see Navigating in the Viewport.
4 - The Panels
The user interface contains several panels located on the right and left sides of the Viewport.
Library Panel
The Library panel gives you access to a large collection of 3D assets you can add to your scenes. These include Twinmotion native assets, Quixel Megascans and Sketchfab assets, and Adobe Substance 3D materials.
It also contains a variety of Tools you can use to enhance your scenes such as Section cubes, Reflection probes, Cycloramas, a LED wall for virtual production, and Animators.
In the Library you can save custom and imported assets to the User library and share them with other Twinmotion users.
For more information about the Library, see The Library.
Statistics Panel
You can use the Statistics panel to monitor your machine’s performance and view statistics about various aspects of the scene, such as the frame rate, GPU and CPU usage, and more. For more information about statistics, see Statistics.
Scene Panel
The Scene panel contains the Scene graph, which is a visual hierarchy of all the elements in the scene. You can use it to organize the elements into Containers, change their visibility status, and access the commands you can perform on each element.
From the Scene panel, you can also open the Ambience panel.
XYZ Panel
You can use the XYZ panel to view and precisely transform the position, rotation, scale, and size of objects in the scene, and the position and rotation of the camera in the Viewport.
View Sets Panel
With the View sets panel (formerly Scene states), you can quickly create multiple versions of the same scene using different settings and assets, or create a video that shows the phases of a construction project sequentially from start to finish. For more information about View sets, see Working with View Sets.
Properties Panel
The Properties panel contains the Ambience, Populate, and Export panels. It can also show a variety of other panels depending on what you are currently doing in Twinmotion. In these other panels you can:
Edit materials
Set the individual export settings for images, videos, sequences, panoramas, and Presentations
Edit objects, vegetation, landscapes, lights, vehicles, tool settings, characters, and point clouds
Replace objects in the scene
View the metadata of assets
Each of these panels is organized into categories you can expand or minimize. The main settings are situated at the top of the category for easy access. To view more settings, click Details.
You can move the Properties panel to the left of the other panels in two-column mode. This can help to minimize scrolling when a panel has several options and suboptions, such as the Ambience panel.
Moving the Properties panel.
Ambience Panel
In the Ambience panel, you can view and modify all the visual settings of the scene in the following tabs:
Env (Environment): Fine tune global lighting, select the weather, choose a geographical location, add an HDRI environment, a background image for the horizon, or an ocean or river.
Camera: Adjust the camera’s field of view, focal length, depth of field, and various other camera settings.
Render (Renderer): Select Real time or Path tracer rendering mode and add Screen Space Reflections (SSR).
FX (Effects): Adjust the contrast and saturation, add a color gradient or a filter, or enable clay rendering.
For information about the visual settings for media in Twinmotion, see Ambience Settings.
Populate Panel
In the Populate panel, you can find the following three sections:
In Place, you can place, paint, and scatter objects using the Paint, Scatter, Spacing, and Area tools.
In Paths, you can create animated Character, Bicycle, Vehicle, and Custom paths.
In Urban, you can search for and download areas on a map to add context to your scene.
Export Panel
The Export panel is where you export images, videos, sequences, panoramas, Panorama Sets, and Presentations either locally on your computer or to Twinmotion Cloud. You can also view and modify the global export parameters for each type of media. For information about exporting media, see Creating and Exporting Media.
5 - The Docks
The user interface contains three docks that are situated below the Viewport.
Import Dock
In the Import dock you create Datasmith Direct Links and import 3D geometry, animation files, landscapes, and point cloud files. For more information about the Import dock, see Import Dock.
For information about importing content into Twinmotion, see Getting Your Content Into Twinmotion.
Materials Dock
In the Materials dock you create new materials and manage all the materials in the scene. For more information about the Materials Dock, see Materials Dock.
For information about the materials in Twinmotion, see Working with Materials.
Media Dock
The Media dock is where you create and manage images, videos, sequences, panoramas, Panorama Sets, Presentations, and Phasing groups. For more information about the Media dock, see Media Dock.
For information about creating media in Twinmotion, see Creating and Exporting Media.
6 - Footer
The Footer contains the shortcuts to show or hide the panels and docks in the user interface.
If you hover your mouse pointer over most items in the user interface, such as a menu item or an icon, a tooltip appears. The tooltip shows the name of the item and, if applicable, provides the shortcut to open it.
Some tooltips also contain a shortcut that you can use to automatically open a video about the item on the Twinmotion YouTube channel.