The Library contains an extensive collection of high-quality Twinmotion assets, which can be easily added to your scene. 3D Assets from other libraries are also continuously being added, such as:
3D Assets, 3D Plants, Surfaces and Decals categories from Quixel Megascans.
Assets from the Sketchfab library.
Adobe Substance 3D materials.
The Library panel also contains a User library, and a Tools category.
Contents of the Library
The following section provides a brief overview of the main categories in the Library.
Twinmotion Assets
Twinmotion Assets include a large variety of materials and indoor and outdoor scenery assets in the following categories: Vegetation, Objects, Lights, HDRI environments, Characters, and Vehicles. Some of these assets are Smart assets that can be customized, such as trees that grow, animatable doors, and animated characters that have pose and cloth color presets.
For more information about Twinmotion assets, refer to Twinmotion Assets in the Library.
Quixel Megascans Assets
From the Library, you can also browse and download a large variety of photorealistic 3D and 2D scanned Quixel Megascans assets in the following categories: 3D Assets, 3D Plants, Surfaces and Decals.
For more information about Quixel Megascans assets, refer to Quixel Megascans Assets in the Library.
Sketchfab Assets
Sketchfab 3D assets are created, uploaded, and published to the Sketchfab platform by a huge community of 3D content creators. All of the 3D models from each Sketchfab category covered under the Creative Commons CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-ND, and CC0 licenses are integrated into the Library.
For more information about Sketchfab assets, refer to Sketchfab Assets in the Library.
Adobe Substance 3D
This category contains a curated selection of Adobe Substance 3D materials and a link to the complete collection of Substance materials on the Adobe Substance 3D Assets website. Substance (SBSAR) materials are procedural and contain advanced parameters you can modify directly in Twinmotion.
For more information about the Substance materials in this category, refer to Adobe Substance 3D Materials in the Library.
You can import Substance materials you create or download from the Adobe Substance 3D Assets library into Twinmotion. For more information, refer to Importing Substance Materials Into Twinmotion.
User Library
In the User library, you can save and manage external assets that you import into Twinmotion as well as custom materials and objects. You can also group assets together in the User library to add multiple assets all at once in your scene.
For more information about the User library, refer to The User Library.
The Twinmotion Library also contains several scene tools—such as Section cubes, Reflection probes, and Animators—in the Tools category.
For more information about these tools, refer to Tools in the Library.
Working with the Library
The contents of the Library are situated in the Library panel. To open and close the Library panel, click Library in the Footer.
Library Breadcrumb
The categories in the Library contain sub-categories. For example, the Objects category contains a City folder, which in turn contains a Benches folder. As you navigate in the categories, a breadcrumb that shows the full path is displayed. You can use it to keep track of your location within the categories and to navigate back to previous folders.
With the Favorites feature, you can create shortcuts to any asset or tool in the Library and have instant access to it from anywhere within the Library.
To mark an item in the Library as a favorite:
Hover over the image of the item in the Library.
Click the Heart icon.
To view all your favorites:
Click the Heart icon in the root directory of the Library.
To view your favorites in a specific category:
Navigate to the category and click the Heart icon.
Multidrop Feature
Rather than adding multiple objects by continuously dragging them into the scene, you can instead use the Multidrop feature in Twinmotion. With Multidrop, each time you click in the Viewport, you add the selected Library object or objects to your scene. This can be useful when populating an area with a large amount of vegetation assets.
To use the Multidrop feature:
To enable the Multidrop feature, move the pointer over the asset and click and release the left mouse button.
To add multiple types of objects at the same time, press the Ctrl key and select all the objects.
Move the pointer over to the scene, and click in the location where you want to add the asset.
Continue to click in the scene to add more copies of the asset. If you selected a group of objects, with each click a random object from the group is added.
To disable the Multidrop feature, click the right-mouse button.
The Multidrop feature