This guide shows how to export a MetaHuman from Quixel Bridge to Autodesk Maya.
Configuring Quixel Bridge
This workflow relies on the Quixel Bridge stand-alone app to download and export MetaHuman Assets. Download and install Bridge from the official website.
When you open Bridge for the first time, you will be asked to select a directory where to store downloaded Assets. MetaHuman downloads can have large sizes, so make sure you have enough space on the disk you selected.
When prompted, select Maya as your Export Target, then click Download Plugin.
If you didn't complete this step when you first installed Bridge, you can select Maya as the export target by following these steps:
From Bridge's main menu, go to Edit > Export Settings.
From the Export Target drop-down, select Maya.
Click Download Plugin, then click Install Plugin.
Exporting a MetaHuman to Maya
Please note that the PyMEL Python library must be installed in Maya before exporting your MetaHuman. Maya 2024 does not come with this library installed by default.
In Quixel Bridge, click a MetaHuman's tile.
In the information panel that opens on the right, configure download settings:
Select a texture resolution (1).
Click the Settings button (2), then select Download Settings.
In the Models tab, set MetaHumans to UAsset + SourceAsset.
This is a required step. Without it, if you try to download non-legacy MetaHumans, you will see a warning and the download button will be greyed out.
Open Maya, then create or open a scene.
Return to Quixel Bridge. Then, in the MetaHuman's information tile, click Download.
Wait for the download to finish, then click Export.
Exporting a MetaHuman to Maya will overwrite all existing content in the current scene. All unsaved content will be lost.
In Maya, you will see a popup dialog asking you to confirm the import. Accept the popup and wait for the import to complete.
Once the export completes, your new Maya scene will contain the MetaHuman you exported:
When you export your MetaHuman to Maya, you only get some of their Assets, including the MetaHuman facial rig. Clothing, hair, and body rig will not be exported.