The Hiding Prop Gallery gives you several different props that players can hide in:
- **Port-a-Potty
- Haystack
- Garbage Dumpster
- Scarecrow
You can use these to create a new kind of hide-and-seek game that is different from a prop hunt. You can customize the props so that more than one player can hide in one, and determine whether the prop has sound effects and a wobbling animation when it is occupied.
For help on how to find the [Hiding Prop Gallery], see Using Devices.
If you're using multiple copies of a device on an island, it can be useful to rename them. Choosing names that relate to a device's purpose makes it easier to remember what each one does, and easier to find a specific device when using the Event Browser.
Device Options
This device has some basic functionality, like choosing which teams and classes can use the hiding prop. Additionally, there are some advanced options, like how many players can hide in a hiding prop and whether they are ejected after a period of time.
You can configure this device with the following options.
Default values are bold.
Option | Value | Description |
Enabled at Game Start | Enabled, Disabled | Determines whether the Hiding Prop is enabled when the game starts. |
Usable by Team | Any, Pick a team | Determines which team is able to use this prop to hide. Players on other teams will not see the Hide prompt. |
Usable by Class | Any, Pick a class | Determines which class is able to use this prop to hide. If you choose Any, any player with an assigned class can use the prop to hide. If you choose No Class, only players without an assigned class can use the prop to hide. |
Invert Team Selection | Off, On | If you choose On, all teams except the one selected in the Usable by Team option can use the prop to hide. |
Invert Class Selection | Off, On | If you choose On, all classes except the one selected in the Usable by Class option can use the prop to hide. |
Invulnerable | Off, On | Determines whether the prop can be damaged, or if it is immune to damage. |
Eject When Failing Requirements | Off, On | If you choose On, a player is ejected from their hiding place if their team or class changes to one that is different from the requirement set in the Usable by Team or Usable by Class options. |
Interact Time | Instant, Pick or enter a number of seconds | Determines the amount of time the player must hold down the Interact control before they are hidden or stop hiding. |
Hide Text | Enter text | Use this to customize the text displayed for the Hide prompt. If this is left blank, the default text is used. |
Stop Hiding Text | Enter text | Use this to customize the text displayed for the Stop Hiding prompt. If this is left blank, the default text is used. |
Occupied Text | Enter text | You can customize text that will be displayed when the prop has someone hiding in it. If this is left blank, the interaction prompt will not display when someone is hiding in the prop. |
Number of Occupants | 1, Pick or enter a number | Determines how many players can hide in this prop at one time. |
Wobble While Hiding | On, Off | By default, the prop alerts other players with sound and animation that a player is hiding in the prop. Set this to Off to disable these effects. |
Set Max Hiding Time | Don't Override, Pick a number | Sets a maximum amount of time a player can hide in the prop before being ejected. |
Block Hide Time | No Delay, Pick or enter a number | When a player leaves the prop, this determines the amount of time another player must wait before they can hide in the prop. |
Hidden Travel Group | Don't Override, Pick or enter a group number | To make use of the hiddent travel feature, you must assign this hiding prop to a Hidden Travel Group. |
Hidden Travel Target Group | Don't Override, Pick or enter a group number | Determines which group of hiding props can be targeted as a hidden travel destination. You can set this to the same value as the Hidden Travel Group option, or if you have multiple groups of hiding props you can target a different group. |
Attempt No Repeats | On, Off | If this is set to On, the prop will avoid sending a player to the previous hiding prop twice in a row, unless there is no other hiding prop available. |
Scarecrow-only Options
The scarecrow hiding prop has two options the other hiding props don't have, listed below.
Option | Value | Description |
Has Pumpkin Head | On, Off | Determines whether the scarecrow has a pumpkin for a head or not. |
Clothes Color | Default, Purple, Yellow | Determines the color of the clothing on the scarecrow. |
Direct Event Binding
Following are the direct event binding options for this device.
A function listens for an event on a device then performs an action.
For any function, click the option, then Select Device to access and select from the Device dropdown menu.
Once you've selected a device, click Select Event to bind the device to an event that will trigger the function.
If more than one device or event triggers a function, click the Add button to add a line and repeat these steps.
Option | Description |
Enable When Receiving From | This function enables the device when an event occurs. |
Disable When Receiving From | This function disables the device when an event occurs. |
Toggle Invulnerability When Receiving From | This function toggles invulnerability on and off for this device when an event occurs. |
Eject All Hiding Players When Receiving From | This function ejects all hiding players when an event occurs. |
Eject Hiding Player When Receiving From | This function ejects the player hiding in this prop when an event occurs. |
Hide Nearby Players When Receiving From | This function pulls any player within 10 meters into this hiding prop when an event occurs. |
Enable Hidden Travel When Receiving From | This function enables hidden travel when an event occurs. |
Disable Hidden Travel When Receiving From | This function disables hidden travel when an event occurs. |
An event tells another device when to perform a function.
For any event, click the option, then Select Device to access and select from the Device dropdown menu.
Once you've selected a device, click Select Function to bind this event to a function for that device.
If more than one function is triggered by the event, click the Add button to add a line and repeat these steps.
Option | Description |
On Hide Send Event To | When a player hides in this hiding prop, it sends an event to the selected device, which triggers the selected function. |
On Stop Hiding Send Event To | When a player leaves or is ejected from this hiding prop, it send an event to the selected device, which triggers the selected function. |
On Prop Destroyed Send Event To | When this hiding prop is destroyed, it sends an event to the selected device, which triggers the selected function. |