You can register Gold items as required currency for players to use on your island. The set requirements will show on a HUD message near the device.
You can use this item as required currency for devices like:
Conditional Button
Item Spawner
Vending Machine
While in-game, you can offer gold throughout the world for players to collect by through devices like the Item Spawner or Item Granter.
Through the My Island - Settings menu, you can adjust multiple settings for gold allocation on your island. You can change settings like Show Gold Resource Count to determine if gold will show on the player's HUD.
You can also grant players with Gold by using the Round Settings device and altering the Gold Given Per Round settings.
Finding and Placing Items
From Create mode, press the Tab key and click CREATIVE to select the Creative inventory screen.
Click the CONSUMABLES tab.
On this screen, scroll to find and select the item, use the Search box to look up the item by name, or check the list of relevant Categories specific to the item you’re looking for to filter the view.
Click the item, then click either EQUIP or ADD TO CHEST.
Clicking EQUIP will add the item to your Resources bar. (When you're back in Create mode, you can view items in your Resources bar by pressing the Tab key and selecting Play)
You may want to offer an item bundle to players through a chest or llama. Selecting ADD TO CHEST will add the item to the CHEST tab.
Each time you click ADD TO CHEST, the item count will increase by one, shown in a yellow box on the CHEST tab.
You can add up to fifteen items to the CHEST tab. When it’s full, the ADD TO CHEST tab will disappear. To add more items, you first have to remove items from the CHEST tab.
From the CHEST tab, you can select either CREATE CHEST or CREATE LLAMA to store the items in a Chest or a Llama for use in-game.
Managing Items
You can manage these items when you are in Play inventory. To access the Play inventory screen, press Tab and click Play in the top navigation bar. In the Play inventory screen, you can create or split item stacks, or remove them entirely from the Resources bar.
Instead of dropping these items on the ground, it's best to grant them to players by using item-granting devices like the Item Spawner.
You cannot reposition or copy items with the phone tool. To delete an item from your inventory in Create mode, you will have to select either Respawn or Back To Hub from the Menu. When you do this, your inventory clears.
Registering Items
Some devices can hold or grant items. To register an item for this kind of device, follow these steps.
In CREATIVE inventory, find the equipment and items you want to register with a device and equip them.
In Create mode, stand directly beside the device that will register the item.
Press the Tab key to open the PLAY inventory screen.
Click the item, then press either Z or X to split or drop the item. You can also drag the item to the side until a backpack icon appears.
The compatible device will automatically register the dropped item.