At this point, you should have built at least one island experience and signed up for the Island Creator Program. The next step in giving your island visibility is to submit the island to Fortnite for publishing.
Keep in mind that your island must comply with the Island Creator Rules before it can be considered for publishing.
Once your island is submitted for moderation, you can return to the Creator Portal to check its review status.
After your island is out there, you can (and should!) continue to iterate and manage your island’s Discover thumbnail and trailer video from the Creator Portal.
Publishing from Fortnite Creative
Start the publishing process from Fortnite Creative when you're ready to reveal your island to the world by going to MY ISLAND > TOOLS. If you haven't enrolled in the Fortnite Island Creator Program you'll see the Find out how to publish button under TOOLS. Clicking this button takes you to the Island Creator overview page where you can read about the program application process, publishing, and engagement payouts. You can even apply to the program from this page by clicking the SIGNUP TO APPLY button.
If you're already a part of the program, click the PUBLISH button and a private version code for the island project will be created. Manually enter the private version code in Creator Portal, or follow the link or QR code to open the Creator Portal and proceed to the Creator Portal to complete the publishing workflow.

Private version codes can be used to playtest your island on different platforms and consoles. Private version codes are not moderated versions of your island, only you can use the private version code to access your island.
Publishing Islands
If you haven’t published an island before, the island’s project page will be empty. Click the Create New Release button to open the Public Release panel. To create a Public Release for an island follow the instructions below:
Click on a project tile to open the project's page.
Select a Private Version and click the Publish button next to it.
Fill out the island’s public metadata under Game Details. This includes the Title, Description, Tags and How to Play. (For more on the tags available and their descriptions, see Games and Game Tags.)
Make sure to enter notes into What has Changed From the Previous Release? You are required to list user-facing updates to the island content. This field is not viewable by players, but will be reviewed by Epic and IARC rating authorities.
On the Ratings tab, provide an email address to receive communications from IARC. On this step, you can also choose to use this email as a public customer service address, or provide a different one. Both fields are required before proceeding.
Click image to enlarge.
Select Begin Questionnaire. You will see a message that you are leaving the Creator Portal, and redirecting to the IARC questionnaire. Click Continue to IARC to proceed.
You will not be able to progress beyond this step in the publishing process without completing the IARC questionnaire. To learn more about IARC, see the IARC Overview and FAQs.
In the questionnaire, select the app type for your project, click Next, and complete the IARC questionnaire. You must provide accurate responses to all questions, accurately reflecting the content in your project. For more information about some of the terms and questions in the IARC questionnaire, please refer to Considerations When Responding to the IARC Questionnaire.
If you notice a mistake in your answers, you can go back to the previous screen to correct your response(s).
Review the ratings assigned to your game, then click Finished to return to the Creator Portal. The assigned ratings will now display. Click Next to continue the publishing workflow.
Under Promotional Media You can upload your thumbnails, trailers, and lobby backgrounds.
On the Attributions tab, Select Add New Attribution to acknowledge any attributions necessary for third-party content.
Under Visibility choose the Project Visibility Status, either Listed or Unlisted. When a project is Listed projects will appear on your Creator Page, and will be eligible to appear in the Discover section.
Toggle Auto Activation on to release to your Island Code automatically as soon as the island passes review. If toggled off, once the content review completes, your publish will remain pending until you manually
Click Publish to send your island to review. After your island is reviewed by Epic moderators and published, your island page will display ratings.
Strategic Publishing
Before publishing your island, decide whether you want to release manually at a time of your choosing, or release automatically when the island passes the review process. To release your island automatically after a successful review, toggle the Auto Activation switch on.
When you’re ready to begin the review process, click the Submit for Publishing button. Your island enters a review process to ensure that the island adheres to Fortnite standards. Your island’s public release is listed on the Public Releases page now.
All projects listed on the page have release information; Status, Release, Title, Build, Release Time, and Content Review. As your island goes through the review process, its status icon will change.