The new Analytics section for each project gives creators and their teams insight into the players their games attract and garner, and the player levels of engagement.
This helps creators understand everything from how compelling a thumbnail is to how sticky their experiences are.
Metrics in Project Analytics are grouped thematically around the type of insight they provide, and nested within different sections of mini-tabs. These may shift around in the future as the metrics provided continue to grow and iterate.
All data under the Analytics tab is available to team members with an Owner, Administrator or Publisher role. Collaborators and Play testers will not have access.
Audience Tab
Use this tab to understand how many potential players your island is attracting and converting to plays.
This tab shows Impressions, or the number of times your island was displayed to players.

These impressions are sourced from any Discover Rows your island may be in, Search, Browse, and players' individual libraries. (The website is currently not included in this data.) To be counted, your island's thumbnail must be 100% visible on screen and viewable for 2 seconds or more.
If a player clicks your thumbnail, even if it's not fully visible or does not appear for the full two seconds, the impression will still count as an impression based on the click-through result.
Any in-game portals to your island or players who visit your island as part of a party who have not seen the thumbnail will not be measured.
Your island's clicks are the number of times a player clicked on your thumbnail across the same ecosystem sources as impressions.

Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks over impressions, measured as a percentage for how many impressions resulted in a click. For example, if your project has 100 impressions, and 5 clicks, that is a 5% CTR.
CTR measures the effectiveness of your thumbnail and title at capturing player attention and getting players to click. For example, an increase in CTR could indicate that your thumbnail and title are generating more interest.
Your island’s number of plays is how many times a player began a session on your island. This number is not unique, and you might see multiple plays resulting from a single click due to instances of players replaying your experiences or players entering as part of a party.
The Impressions to Clicks to Plays funnel for an island involves generating awareness (impressions), capturing interest (clicks), and driving action (plays).
By optimizing each stage of the funnel through a compelling and attractive thumbnail, engaging tags and game description, and a clear onboarding, you can maximize your ability to attract and convert potential players.
Gameplay Tab
Analyze how players are engaging with your island and how long they stay engaged with gameplay metrics.
Active Playtime
The Active Playtime metric is the total number of hours spent on your island.

If you are an island owner with access to the Monetization tab for engagement metrics, your active playtime metrics are the same in both tabs.
Session Length
Session Length is a way for you to understand the amount of time players spend in your game per each visit.

A session starts when a player enters your island and ends when they exit for any reason. Time spent by players in the lobby, in a loading screen, or time spent in a failure to matchmake does not count toward the session length. Sessions that are 90 minutes or longer are visually grouped together in the graph, but breakouts by bracketed minute will be available in the csv download.
Players Tab
Gain more insight about the players on your island beginning with the number of players.
Active Players
Active Players is the number of unique users within the time frame you specify.

Currently, this metric is also included on a daily cadence in the Monetization tab. In the future, it will also be available in weekly and monthly cadences, allowing you to see the unique players in each. Be aware that manual calculations that add together your daily active users will result in duplicated players.
Satisfaction Tab
View any feedback your island may have received from post-game surveys.

Sometimes, after playing an island, players may be prompted to complete a brief survey about their experience. Currently, surveys appear at random – about 1 per every 500 plays.
The frequency the surveys appear willcontinue to be evaluated to ensure the best frequency for future surveys.
The tab aggregates survey responses so you can track player sentiment over time. Players may be asked one of the three questions:
Did you have fun in the last game?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the last game?
Overall, was your last game ‘Way Too Easy’, ‘Just Right’, or ‘Way Too Difficult’?
Each of the questions that you have responses for will be shown in both a summary and a trend over time. The summary of responses will also include comparison data to all other islands so you can understand where your responses stack up against the rest of the ecosystem.

Each question of the survey has a corresponding survey.