In Fortnite Creative, there are several ways players can move that could affect your island design. Understanding how players can traverse your island is important when planning and designing your overall experience.
These unique movement types include:
Enabling Player Movements
To enable or disable any of these movement settings, press the Tab key to open the Creative inventory, click My Island, then click the Settings tab and scroll down until you locate Allow Mantling / Sprinting / Sliding / Shoulder Bashing. Here, you can toggle any of these settings On or Off. Some of these movement features, such as Mantling and Sprinting, also have additional options you can customize for your players.
To turn on mantling and adjust other options for mantling, see the image below.
Click image for full size.
To turn on hurdling or sprinting and adjust additional sprinting options, see the image below.
Click image for full size.
To turn on sliding, slide kick, and shoulder bashing, see the image below.
Click image for full size.
You can also turn these movement features on or off using the Team Settings & Inventory device, or the Class Designer device.
Mantling provides a fun and exciting way to move between different points on your island. By enabling mantling for your island, you can add a design dimension that creates new space for player interactions and traversals.
With mantling, you need to consider how fall damage works, and whether it's better for your overall island experience to use this feature.
Fall Damage
When mantling is on, players can take fall damage if they fall while climbing, or if they try to mantle over a surface that is too high. This damage is calculated based on a percentage:
If a player mantles past the 50% maximum damage cutoff, their mantle attempt will fail. The player will fall, and take damage based on how far they fall.
If a player mantles mid-fall before taking more than 50% of maximum damage, the player will stop falling, mantle against a surface, and take zero damage.
Using Mantling on Your Island
Mantling is an engaging way for players to experience your island, providing different ways to move through your island and helping you create unique challenges and objectives for players to complete. Even if the terrain of your island is not perfectly tailored for mantling, players may still find fun ways to use it while traversing your island.
Mantling can be used with a variety of games, both PvP and non-PvP. Some examples are Boxfights, Zone Wars, battle games, and games with puzzle, adventure, stealth, and exploration elements. It also offers an opportunity to create new game types or expand on existing ones. For example, you can use mantling in parkour-style exploration, mountain climbing, and more involved adventure games. These can have movement-related puzzles and other exciting methods of progressing between points of the island, giving players multiple ways of completing objectives.
However, mantling can break game types where you want restricted player movement. In these cases, you can avoid use of mantling by making sure it is set to Off. Some game types where this may apply include Deathrun, Escape Room, as well as sports, strategy, and racing or vehicle-oriented games.
Try experimenting with mantling to add new twists and challenges for your players!
Older islands may not function as intended with mantling enabled. Many features or props that were not interactive for players prior to mantling can now be climbed, which might allow players to access areas outside the boundaries of your island experience.
Although Barrier devices can help block trouble spots, it might not be a viable solution to entirely wall off all problem areas due to the barrier's minimum width. It's recommended that older experiences keep mantling turned off if updating your island is not realistic or worth the time investment.
Additional Movement Types
There are some additional movement types that you can enable or disable, depending on the type of game or experience you're building.
When players sprint towards a wall or other obstacle, they will automatically hurdle over the obstacle if the Allow Hurdling option is set to On.
Shoulder Bashing
With shoulder bashing a player can break through doors seamlessly while sprinting or sliding. For this to work, the Allow Sprinting or Allow Sliding options must be set to On, along with the Allow Shoulder Bashing option. When a player bashes through a door, players standing on the other side are knocked back, but don't take damage.
To enable shoulder bashing, press Tab to open the Creative inventory, and click My Island. Click the Settings tab, and locate Allow Shoulder Bashing. Here you can turn it On or Off.
As of now, players cannot bash through two doors within the same sprint, even if there is still time left in the Energy bar. The player must stop sprinting then start again between each door.
Slide Kick
The Slide Kick is a special attack that players can use while sliding. If this movement type is turned on, a sliding player that impacts an opposing player or a destructible object performs a slide kick that does damage and knocks away opposing players.
To enable sliding, press the Tab key to open the Creative inventory, then click My Island. Click the Settings tab, and scroll down until you locate Allow Slide Kick. Here you can turn the slide kick On or Off.
Sliding is a way for players to move quickly through a space in style.
To slide while running, the player can press and hold the Left Ctrl key to activate sliding. The slide will last for several seconds, then stop. If the player presses and holds Left Ctrl while while sprinting, they will automatically enter a slide. You can end a slide early by starting a sprint while sliding, or by jumping.
When sliding downhill, the player will slide faster if the slope is steeper. While players can slide on flat terrain, the slide speed is the same as running at normal speed (not sprinting).
To enable sliding, press the Tab key to open the Creative inventory, then click My Island. Click the Settings tab, and scroll down until you locate Allow Sliding. Here you can turn sliding On or Off.
In addition to the increased movement speed, when players hold the Left Shift key to run in a sprint, anything the player is holding, such as a pickaxe or weapon, is holstered or put away, and returned when the sprint is done. Additionally, players who jump while sprinting can jump higher and farther.
While players are sprinting, the Energy bar displays above their shield bar indicating how much sprint time the player has left. Once the player is out of Energy, they stop sprinting.

The Energy bar automatically refills over time. It also disappears from the HUD when the player is not sprinting.