One of the options on the Creator Portal is the Creator Page, where you can introduce yourself to your players. Information you enter here shows up on your personal in-game creator page, and on the creator page.

You can use this profile to establish your personal brand, control which of your published games features on your personal Creator Page, and other information about you and your islands. You can even choose whether to share your personal Creative play history.
Remember that any of the info you add here will be publically available!
Editing Your Bio
To begin editing your biographical details, follow the steps below.
Click image to enlarge.
The steps below are for an individual creator account, as represented by a creator code.
Select Creator Page from the menu.
Write a brief bio (up to 300 words) about yourself and/or your games. This is your pitch, so make it count!
Upload a Profile Image. This is the image that displays in the top right corner of your page. Dimensions for this image are 192x192.
Upload a Cover image. This image displays at the top of your Fortnite page. Dimensions for this image are 1400x480.
You can download a template for your Profile Image and your Cover Image by clicking the link under the Upload now button.
The Creator Portal needs a default profile image for Creator Pages. Upload a customized image asset as part of editing your creator profile page. The image can be your company logo or even the Fortnite character you use as your main avatar.
All images go through moderation. While the profile image is in moderation the page displays a blank or default image.
Until a decision has been reached, you cannot upload a new profile image.
Add any social links you want to direct players to. This includes:
X (Twitter)
Select a social platform, then add your handle.
Click the Save button to save all your changes, then submit.
All profiles go through a moderation review process before being published. During the review, all fields are updated with an In Review status and you cannot make changes to your profile.
Click image to enlarge.
Once approved, you receive an email when your Creator Page is published live to Discover. If your Creator Page fails the review process, you will also receive an email.
You can edit your profile details at any time after it’s approved, but doing so sends your profile through moderation again.
Click image to enlarge.
Featuring Your Islands
Decide which of your islands to feature on your Creator Page by choosing the order the islands appear.
To do this:
Open the Creator Portal and navigate to your island’s Publishing page.
From the project's navigation menu toggle the island to either Listed or Unlisted.
Toggling the island to Listed means your island appears in Discover or your Creator Page.
To unlist an island, toggle the island to Unlisted. Your island will not appear in Discover or on your Creator Page.
Click image to enlarge.
To Feature an island, click the Star icon next to the island name. Listed islands tagged with the Star icon display in the My island display order list.
Click image to enalrge.
Featured islands display in a Featured section of the Creator Page as shown in the image below:
Change the island order by clicking the arrow icons at the end of the island row to move them up and down in the order.
Click image to enlarge.
Do this for each of the published islands you want unlisted, as "Listed" is the default setting. Unlisted islands will not show up on your Creator Page.
Favorite Creator Count
As players favorite you, a tally of your total favorites is recorded in the Creator Portal. On your profile page in the Creator Portal you can see two types of favorite analytics:
Total Favorites - The total number of favorites you currently have.
New Favorites per Day/Week/Month - The number of new favorites you gain according to day, week, and month.
To view these analytics, visit the Profile page in the Creator Portal and click the ellipsis menu at the end of the Favorites displayed. To download your Favorites analytics, click Download.
Editing Creator Picks
Creator Picks provides a way for you to promote other creators and islands you play or are inspired by in a special row called Creator Picks. You can display up to ten islands from other creators.
You cannot accept money from another creator to advertise their islands in your Creator Picks row. Please note that at this time, paid promotions and collaborations are currently prohibited in Creator Picks.
You can pin and order other creator’s islands by doing the following:
Click Confirm to agree that you won’t take money to advertise another island creator.
Click to enlarge.
Search for the island by name or island code in the island field. The islands show in a list the search field.
Click image to enlarge.
Click +Add beside the displayed islands. Selected islands are added to the Creator Picks section.
Click image to enlarge.