The Item Remover is a powerful device that gives you control over which items are in a player's inventory.
In this design example, you'll set up an Item Remover to work with a Down But Not Out device. This simple game mechanic will force players to drop whatever weapons and items they are carrying if their health drops to zero.
Devices Used
- 1 x Down But Not Out device
- 1 x Item Remover device
Build Your Own
- Place a Down But Not Out device anywhere on your island.
The default settings are fine for multiple players, but won't work with only one player. To use this device for a single player game, change the DBNO Enabled setting to Yes.
- Place an Item Remover device anywhere on your island.
Modify the Item Remover:
Option Value Description Affected Items Weapons and Items Sets what can be removed from a player's inventory. Amount to Remove Percentage The default amount when you select percentage is 100 percent, so this effectively removes all items. Removal Method Drop Items This leaves any items removed near where the player has fallen.
And there you go — a simple way to add fun variety into your multiplayer islands!
Design Tip
Try adjusting the settings for the Item Remover to have items vanish or to only remove guns.