A hotkey is a key or key combination that provides quick access to a specific function. These are also called shortcut keys or keybindings.
This page is about the hotkeys available when you're in Create mode on a Fortnite Creative island.
The hotkeys for Create mode may be different from the hotkeys used when playing a Fortnite game.
Active hotkeys are shown on the left side of the screen. The hotkey menu changes based on what you're doing.

Use Pickaxe Hotkeys
There are two basic sets of hotkeys when you have your pickaxe equipped.
You can toggle between the pickaxe and the phone tool by pressing the ` (backtick) key above the Tab key on your keyboard.
Pickaxe (Default)
If you're holding your pickaxe, you will see:

Pickaxe While Flying
If you double-tap the spacebar, the menu expands because you're now flying with your pickaxe.

Spacebar - Fly/Exit Fly (Double-Tap)
Double-tap the spacebar to toggle Fly Off or On. Press and hold the spacebar to fly up. Movement stops when you release the key.
This movement is different from when you use the WASD keys while flying.
L-Ctrl - Fly Down
Press and hold the left Ctrl key to fly down. This only works when flying is toggled On. (When you're not in Fly mode, pressing the Ctrl key will cause your avatar to crouch.)
C - Flight Speed
Use this key to toggle through a preset selection of flight speeds: 0.1x, 0.5x (slower than default), 1.0x ( default speed), 1.5x, 2.0x, 3.0x, 4.0x, 5.0x, 10.0x (faster than default).
T - Heatmap
Use the T key to toggle the heatmap. You have three options: Off, On, and Memory Values On. For more on how the heatmap works, see the Spatial Thermometer page.
N - Phase (Off/On)
Phasing is when your avatar can pass through objects that it would normally collide with. Press the N key to toggle phasing On or Off.
M - Creative Menu
Press M to directly access the Creative menu tabs.
User Defined
If you set a custom keybind for Quick Menu, Island Settings, or Content Browser as described under Set Up Custom Keybinds, this will display at the bottom of every hotkey menu. It will show the hotkey you chose and the name of the tab you associated with the hotkey. You can add multiple custom keybinds to your hotkey menus and they will all display.
When you're in Create mode, you'll use your phone tool to place objects and move them around. But if you want to test things like player mobility, equipping the pickaxe will give you functionality that's much closer to what your players get in-game. If you want a cleaner view of the island, the default pickaxe menu is much smaller than the other menus, giving you more view.
Use Phone Tool Hotkeys
When you equip the phone tool, some of the hotkeys change.
Like the pickaxe hotkey menu, there are both default and flying menus for the phone tool. There are also other menus based on what you're doing with your phone tool.
Phone Tool (Default)
This is the menu that appears when you equip the phone tool.

There are hotkey options that the phone tool has that the pickaxe doesn't. These are covered below.
Phone Tool While Flying
When you have the phone tool equipped, you're creating your island. The new hotkeys are there to help you place and manipulate objects.

When you're using the phone tool, and you double-tap the spacebar to fly, the menu changes.

The phone tool hotkeys that the pickaxe doesn't have include the following.
Left mouse button - Copy
Point your mouse at a prop or device, then click your left mouse button to copy it. Use the mouse to move the copy where you want it, then click the left mouse button to place it. Press Esc or click the right mouse button to unselect the object. (There's more about the Copy and Cut hotkeys below.)
Right mouse button - Cut
Use this button to move an object. You are basically deleting the object then pasting it in a new location.
Point your mouse at the prop or device to select it, then click your right mouse button to cut it. Move it to a new location, click the left mouse button to place it, then press Esc to unselect it.
Pressing the right mouse button again unselects the object without placing it in a new location, and restores it to its previous location.
R - Select
When you select an object with the R key, it glows green.

To select multiple objects, hold the R key down and move the mouse to point at more objects and add them to the selection.

X - Delete
Point your phone at an object to select it, then press X to delete.
To delete multiple objects, hold the X key down and move the mouse pointer to each object you want to delete.
You can select up to 100 objects at a time. The menu will actually show how many objects you've selected.
M - Creative Menu
The M key opens the Quick Menu, covered below. This hotkey option only shows when you're using the phone tool.
There are two more instances where the phone hotkey menu can change. These are when you copy or cut an object, or when you want to resize an object.
Copy, Cut and Place Objects
While using the R key to select an object makes it glow green, pointing your mouse at a prop or device to select it makes it glow blue.
When an object is blue, you can either copy the object (left mouse button), or cut it (right mouse button).

When you copy or cut an object, the blue glow gets darker, and the hotkey menu changes:

Left mouse button - Paste
The left mouse button now becomes the Paste button.
F - Push
Press and hold the F key to push a selected object away from you.
C - Pull
Press and hold the C key to pull it toward you.
R - Rotate Clockwise
Rotate the object clockwise (to the right) on the selected axis (see Tab Rotation Axis below).

E - Rotate Counterclockwise
Rotate the object counterclockwise (to the left) on the selected axis.
Tab - Rotation Axis (Pitch, Yaw, Roll)
Any 3D object has three axes, pitch, yaw, and roll. Use the Tab key to toggle through these options. You can rotate the object along any axis, but can only select one axis at a time.
Tab - Rotation Reset (Hold)
Press and hold the Tab key to return the object to its original position with no axis rotation.
G - Drops (On, Off)
When Drops is Off, you can place an object in complete defiance of gravity.

When you toggle Drops to On, a line extends down to show where it will land when you paste (place) it.

V - Grid Snap (16)
An island is divided into grids. With grid snap, you can control how precisely an object snaps to a position, or aligns, with a grid when you place it. Grid snap becomes important when you're building walls or fences or anything else that requires careful alignment.
When set to 1, the snap aligns things to the edge of a grid tile. Setting the grid snap higher makes it snap in place in smaller increments as each increment divides the grid into smaller units. You can set it up to 32, which means you can place with a precision as fine as one thirty-second of the full grid size.
You can also turn grid snap off, which lets you place an object without restraint.
Press the V key to toggle through the following grid increments: 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, Off.
V - Collision (Hold) [Nothing]
This menu option can only be changed from the Quick Menu covered below, and is here just for informational purposes.
Left mouse button - Exit
Use the left mouse button to unselect an object.
Resize - (Hold) [Off/On]
Press and hold the left mouse button to toggle the Resize option On and Off. When set to On, the hotkey menu changes again. See Resize an Object below.
Resize an Object
To resize an object, you first need to select it for copy or cut with your left or right mouse button, then click and hold the right mouse button to toggle Resize to On.
When you toggle Resize to On, four new hotkeys will show up in the hotkey menu.

R - Grow
Pressing and holding the R key will increase the size until you release the key.
E - Shrink
Pressing and holding E will shrink it.
Tab - Resize Axis [All, Width, Depth, Height]
When you resize an object, you can resize it uniformly, or you can select a single axis (width, depth or height) to resize in just one direction.
Tab Reset (Hold)
Press and hold the Tab key to return the object to its original size.
Devices and Hotkeys
Like with props, you can copy, cut, move and resize devices, but there are a couple of hotkeys that work a little differently with devices than they do with props.
Like with props, when you point your phone at a device it will glow blue. But unlike a prop, if you step close enough to the device, you get an option to customize the device.

Press the E key to open the Customize panel.
Customization details are covered in the page for each device.
There's another thing that makes devices stand out from other objects when it comes to hotkeys.
Some devices, like the pickup truck below, have direct player interactions. In this example, highlighting the truck itself provides a hotkey option to drive the truck.

To customize the Pickup Truck Spawner device, you have to point to the device base, not the truck.

Some devices with player interactions don't have a base. This means that sometimes, when you point to the device and get close enough, you'll get both interaction and customization hotkeys showing together.

Quick Menu
The Quick Menu option only shows up on phone tool hotkey menus.
Press the M key to access the Creative menu tabs, then select Quick Menu.

You can also set up a custom keybind to access the Quick Menu if this is something you use frequently. For how to do this, see Set Up Custom Keybinds below.
Some of these options can be toggled both here and on the hotkey menu. Some can only be toggled here but will reflect on the hotkey menu.
The Quick Menu options are sorted into three groups.
Phase - (Off, On)
Phasing On allows your avatar to pass through objects that it would normally collide with. Sometimes it's helpful to turn this off when you're building out your island.
This setting can be changed from here or from the hotkey menu. Any changes you make here are mirrored on the hotkey menu.
Invulnerable - (Everything, Nothing)
When set to everything, you are safe from damage by anything while in Create mode.
This does not affect in-game collision.
Flight Speed
You can use any of these speeds as your flight speed, from one tenth of the default speed to ten times the default.
- Slower than default speed: 0.1x, 0.5x
- Default speed: 1.0x
- Faster than default speed: 1.5x, 2.0x, 3.0x, 4.0x, 5.0x, 10.0x
This setting can be changed from here or from the hotkey menu. Any changes you make here are mirrored on the hotkey menu.
Editor Camera - (External, Immersive)
With an external camera, you can see your avatar moving around the island. With immersive, you're seeing the island from the viewpoint of your avatar. This applies only to your view while in Create mode, and does not affect gameplay.
Object Placement
Drops - (Off, On)
Controls whether objects drop to the ground when placed. Leave this Off if you want to suspend objects in the air.
This can be changed here or from the hotkey menu. Changes here are mirrored on the hotkey menu.
Collision - (Everything, Nothing, Terrain)
When placing and moving objects, you can control what gets in the way:
- Everything (the default) means that collision is turned on for terrain and other objects.
- Terrain will restrict collision to the ground only.
- Nothing turns off all collisions, which means you can partially bury objects or even place them all the way underground!
This setting can only be changed here, but the value you set will show on the hotkey menu.
Collide with Copies - (On, Off)
Controls whether objects will collide with recently placed objects when you move them around, or whether they'll phase through.
This can be changed here or from the hotkey menu. Changes here are mirrored on the hotkey menu.
Grid Snap - (Off, On)
This lets you control the precision of your placement. When set to 1, the snap aligns things to the edge of a grid tile. Setting the grid snap higher makes it snap in place in smaller increments. You can set it up to 32, which means you can place with a precision as fine as one thirty-second of the full grid size.
This can be changed here or from the hotkey menu. Changes here are mirrored on the hotkey menu.
Building as Prop - (Disabled, Origin Edge, Origin Center)
Props can generally have any transform (position, rotation, and scale). Fortnite Building pieces are special, and their transforms must align to the Fortnite Building grid. This option lets you take a Fortnite Building piece and place it as though it were a prop, but it loses the ability to support other building pieces.
Hold Position - (From Left, Centered, From Right, As Selected)
This determines where the phone will grab and hold an object when you are placing it. This can be useful, for example, if you're building something, such as a fence or a wall, where you want to precisely align the objects.
Pull to Player - (Off, On)
This option will override the Pull (C) and Push (R) hotkeys when set to Off, preventing these hotkeys from working.
Phone Tool Keybind - (Fast, Standard)
If you're using a controller instead of a mouse, you can use this to set whether you access the Quick Bar with a tap or a hold of the pickaxe button.
Phone Tool Keybind - (Fast, Standard)
If you're using a controller instead of a mouse, you can use this to set whether you access the Quick Bar with a tap or a hold of the pickaxe button.
Cost Preview - (Off, Center, Top)
When this is set to Center or Top, a number appears next to any object you select with your phone. This shows how much memory it will use. This can be handy when you're creating an island with a lot of assets, and need to manage your memory.

You can position the cost preview at the top or center of the object selected, or turn it off.
Preferred Creative Tab (Quick Menu, Content Browser, Island Settings)
Select which tab you want to open to by default.
Set Up Custom Keybinds
To set up custom keybinds, go to the game menu.
Select the Keyboard Controls tab, then scroll down to Creative.

From here, you can set access to the options called out above by assigning keybind shortcuts in the different columns.

- Column 1: Assign any key from your keyboard. This also adds the key and description to your keyboard hotkey menu.
- Column 2: Assign a second key from your keyboard. This gives you the option of setting up two buttons to do the same action.
Use the red X in a row to clear any binds you have set.
Any keybindings you assign here will override any keys used in gameplay, so give some thought to the keys you want to use for custom keybinds.
Also keep in mind that any keys you assign can always be undone from here.
Chests and Llamas
When you create a chest or a llama, you can also copy, paste and resize the way you do other objects.
What You Can't Use Hotkeys With
You can't use hotkeys to copy or move weapons or items unless they are in a chest or llama, or [registered] to a device like the Item Granter.