The Game XP dashboard displays calibrated information about the XP players receive from any Accolades devices you set up around your island.
How It Works
Data is gathered from the Accolades devices at the end of the match for each successful trigger. The graph shows the total number of activations from completed objectives, checkpoints, or conditions throughout your island.

To see the Game XP screen, click Game XP in the Fortnite Games navbar. All events triggered by the Accolades device are reported from the devices then calibrated before generating a report directly to your Game XP analytics. Once the calibration of your data has taken place graphs will generate showing you the number of triggered events on each of your maps.
Game XP relies on the calibration of the Accolades device to accurately report data. Therefore, you will not have data until you publish your island and have enough players triggering devices to receive information.
Best Practices
Following are recommended guidelines to help you get the most out of the information available on your dashboard.
Use the data from the Game XP screen along with the Insights data to understand why some of your islands perform better than others by looking at the player behavior on your island.
Islands with low engagement might have a point within the island “at which” the majority of players give up and leave.
If your island shows a player drop-off point, playtest your island to troubleshoot why players are leaving at that point, and decide what type of modification to make that will keep players engaged to the next objective.
Use your social media presence to ask your supporters what they like or dislike about your island experience.
Understanding and Using Game XP
Each Accolades device set to an objective on your island not only provides XP to the players but also captures information about the number of times that same objective has been activated. This information is collected, calibrated, and displayed in bar graphs under Game XP. The graphs detail the total amount of times all Accolades devices have activated, and the percentage — an increase or decrease — of activations.
The XP Calibration Status graph provides the total number of activations each Accolades device has tallied over the course of the past month.

Game XP

To view an island’s Game XP data:
Click the Game dropdown menu.
Select the game you want to see XP data for, or type the name in the search bar.
Click Learn More to view documentation on the Game XP chart.
Here you can see the percentage of players that join your island and play through until the end.
The Calibration status has three states:
Recently Published: Your island has not started the calibration process yet.
Calibrating: Your island is still calibrating the number of activations.
Awarding XP: Your island has successfully been calibrated and is awarding XP.
Show Me
Set the time frame you want to view in Game XP by selecting the month you want to view player information for from the Calendar menu.
The default is always the current date.
Download Icon
To download the information for this screen only, click the Download icon in the top right corner above the graph.

The Highlights section contains detailed player information that focuses on three areas:
Number of Active Players: Displays the number of active players currently on the island you selected in Game XP.
XP Per Minute Percentile: Displays the relative percentile of this island's XP payout per minute compared to other islands’ payout out XP on that day.
Total Activations: Displays the total number of triggers from the Accolades devices since publishing your game.
These data points relate to the number of players receiving XP from Accolades devices on your island.