When you launch Fortnite from the Epic Games Launcher, Fortnite will open in the the Discover UI. The last experience you played will show up as your currently selected island and will be reflected in the lobby background.

Discover is your access to everything in Fortnite.
Select the first tile in the Homebar or scroll up to view the lobby of the last island you accessed, or to see if any of your friends are active in Fortnite.
Scroll up to see the last island you accessed — and if any of your friends are actively in Fortnite!

Friends who are active will show up in the lobby with suggestion bubbles to identify them.
Scroll down to discover more experiences!

The Homebar
The top row of tiles in Discover is called the Homebar.

This row has no title, but it shows your currently selected experience and other islands pulled from rows in Discover.
Party cards will show up on the Homebar, the Sidebar, or another row in Discover.

Party cards show your party invites, active parties, and requests to join.
Game Categories
The rows under the Homebar are categories.

For example, the Trending row shows games that are currently getting a lot of play, and By Epic shows games that are made by Epic rather than creators. These categories change routinely.
To explore more categories, click the Search icon at the top of the screen and a list of categories will open.

If you have a specific island code or title, you can enter it in the search bar to find that island.
Click any category tile to open a screen that shows islands in that category.

Click a game tile to find out more about the game.

From this page, you can also access:
Island Options — Use this button to toggle from public (play with anyone) to private (play only with other players in your party).
Favorite — Click the heart to add this experience to your favorites list.
More from this creator — See what other islands this creator has made for Fortnite.
To play the game, click Select to go to the game lobby.
From the lobby, you can also see the IARC rating for an island.

Click Play to access the island.
Fortnite Creative
To access Fortnite Creative, if it isn't already in your Homebar, find the By Epic category, then look for the Creative tile.

Click the Library icon in the top left corner to see all of the islands you've flagged as favorites.

You can also select Recently Played from this screen.
Click the Play button in the nav bar at the top of the screen to return to Discover.
Island Ratings
When browsing published islands in Fortnite, players will see a rating on each island tile.The ratings that display depend on the player’s region. For example, players in North America will see ratings assigned by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board).
After selecting an island in Discover, the player will see the island detail page, which shows the full, region-specific rating information for the island, including the rating category, descriptors, and interactive elements.
To learn more, see Age Ratings are for Players and Parents and Components of an Age Rating.
Locked Islands in Discover
Players with parental controls enabled may see some islands in Discover displayed as locked, depending on the rating level set in their Fortnite parental controls. To learn more, see Epic Parental Controls.

Unlock an Island
Parents or guardians can unlock individual islands that are rated above the rating set for their child’s account.
When viewing an island detail page, a player will see full rating information for the island (which differs by player region), and a call to action to unlock the island.
Selecting the option to unlock prompts for the parental PIN.
After the PIN is entered, the island is unlocked and the player can play.

Unlocked islands remain unlocked for a player, except in two cases:
- An island is re-rated to be more mature. In the case that an island is re-rated to be more mature, all players for whom that island has been unlocked by their parent or guardian will lose access. The player may request access to the island again in the same manner as described above.
- A parent or guardian removes access to an unlocked island. A parent or guardian can manage access to previously unlocked islands for their child’s account in the Fortnite parental control settings.