Use this device to offer players respawning vehicle mods to attach to the following vehicles:
Armored Battle Bus (excluding Bulletproof Tire mods)
Taxi (excluding Rooftop mods)
War Bus (excluding Bulletproof Tire mods)
The Repair Box mod is compatible with all vehicles.
Vehicle mods are alterations that will automatically attach to the triggering vehicle. These mods can help you navigate terrain, damage the environment and other players, and repair the triggering vehicle.
By default, the Vehicle Mod Box Spawner will spawn a random vehicle mod type when your game starts and will randomly switch to a different mod when respawned. You can recognize the vehicle mods by their box icons and the names that appear over the box.
Place these mod boxes on your island and instruct your players to run over the mod boxes to apply the mod to the triggering vehicle.
Pair the Vehicle Mod Box Spawner device on your island with a vehicle, such as Fang Spawner, as an easy way for players to modify to attach to their vehicles when they drive over the box..
You can even place Vehicle Service Station devices to allow players to refuel their vehicles in your drivable gameplay.
Vehicle Mods
Based on your device configurations, vehicle mods can spawn with variations of mod types from the table below.
Vehicle Mod | Description | |
Tire Mod | Spawns a box that can contain tire mods like:
| |
Bumper Mod | Spawns a box that can contain bumper mods like:
| |
Rooftop Mod | Spawns a box that can contain bumper mods like:
| |
Repair Box | Spawns a box that can repair vehicles. |
If you're using multiple copies of a device on an island, it can be useful to rename them. Choosing names that relate to a device's purpose makes it easier to remember what each one does, and easier to find a specific device when using the Event Browser.
Contextual Filtering
Some devices are affected by a feature called contextual filtering. This feature hides or displays options depending on the values selected for certain related options. This reduces clutter in the Customize panel and makes options easier to manage and navigate. To help identify them, values that trigger contextual filtering are in italic.
All options are listed, including those affected by contextual filtering; if they are hidden or displayed based on a specific option's value, there will be a note about it in the Description field for that option.
Device Options
Default values are bold. Values that trigger contextual filtering are italic.
You can configure this device with the following options.
Option | Value | Description |
Enabled on Game Start | True, False | Determines whether the device is enabled at the start of the game. When disabled, the boxes spawned from this device will be hidden. |
Visual Style | Default, Blank | Determines how a spawned mod box will look. When set to Blank, the mod box will look like an unpainted wooden crate. |
Initial Spawn Timer | Instant, Pick or enter a time | Determines the time in seconds before the mod box spawns for the first time. The timer clears if it's active when the device is disabled. |
Respawn Timer | 30 Seconds, Pick or enter a time | Determines the time in seconds before the mod box respawns. If the timer is active, it is cleared when the device is disabled. |
Possible Mods | All, Tire Only, Bumper Only, Rooftop Only, Repair Box Only, Custom List | When set to All, the device will select from all possible mods. When set to Repair Box Only, only the Repair Box will spawn. When set to Custom List, the device will choose from the entries in a customized list that you set. |
Initial Mod | Random, Custom List Mod 1 | Determines which mod box the device will spawn first. When set to Random, the device randomly chooses from all possible mods. |
Change Mod on Respawn | True, False | Determines whether the device will select again from within the group set for Possible Mods when it respawns. |
Respawn Selection | Random, Cycle | Determines how to choose a mod box when respawning. When set to Random, the device randomly chooses from all possible mods. When set to Cycle, from the initial mod box placed onward, the device selects each provided mod in order, thenstarts over after reaching the last entry. |
Avoid Duplicates | On, Off | Determines whether a randomly selected mod is allowed to be the same as the one that spawned last. |
Custom List Mod 1 | Bulletproof Tires, Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. |
Custom List Mod 1 Weight | 10, Pick or enter a number | Sets a weighted probability of mods spawned from the custom list. The higher the mod weight, the more likely Custom List Mod 1 will be chosen to spawn. When set to 0, it is likely to not be chosen. |
Custom List Mod 2 | Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. You must select a mod type to add a new one to your custom list. |
Custom List Mod 3 | Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. You must select a mod type to add a new one to your custom list. |
Custom List Mod 4 | Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. You must select a mod type to add a new one to your custom list. |
Custom List Mod 5 | Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. You must select a mod type to add a new one to your custom list. |
Custom List Mod 6 | Pick a mod type | Determines the mod that can be spawned by this device. You must select a mod type to add a new one to your custom list. |
Mod Box Name Style | Default, Custom, Hide | Controls the spawned mod box's name and whether to display it. Custom sets a custom name that all of the device's mod boxes will use. |
Custom Mod Box Name | Enter a mod box name | Sets a custom name that all of the device's mod boxes will use. |
Show Player Tooltip | On, Off | Determines whether to show the tooltip when a player gets close to the mod box without a vehicle. |
Direct Event Binding
Following are the direct event binding options for this device.
A function listens for an event on a device then performs an action.
For any function, click the option, then Select Device to access and select from the Device dropdown menu.
Once you've selected a device, click Select Event to bind the device to an event that will trigger the function for the device.
If more than one device or event triggers a function, click the Add button to add a line and repeat these steps.
Option | Description |
Enable When Receiving From | Enables the device and starts the spawn timer. While the device is enabled, it can spawn vehicle mod boxes, which players can interact with. |
Disable When Receiving From | Disables the device and clears any active spawn timers. When disabled, it will be hidden and mod boxes will not spawn. |
Spawn Box When Receiving From | Spawns a mod box. If a mod box is already spawned, it despawns the first one without triggering On Box Destroyed. The device must be enabled for this setting to work. |
Despawn Box When Receiving From | Disables the device and clears any active spawn timers. While disabled, it will be hidden and the vehicle mod boxes will not spawn. |
Start Spawn Timer When Receiving From | Despawns the box if necessary without triggering On Box Destroyed to start the spawn timer. The device must be enabled for this setting to work. |
Spawn Last Chosen Mod When Receiving From | Spawns the same mod box this device spawned before. If a mod box is already spawned, it despawns the first one without triggering On Box Destroyed. If this device is disabled or has not spawned more than one mod box, this setting will not work. |
Cycle to Previous Valid Index | If the mod box is spawned, it respawns as the previous valid entry in the list without triggering On Box Destroyed. If it is not spawned, that will be the next mod box. This setting does nothing if Possible Mods is not set to Custom List or if the device is disabled. |
Cycle to Next Valid Index | If the mod box is spawned, it respawns as the next valid entry in the list without triggering On Box Destroyed. If it is not spawned, that will be the next mod box. This setting does nothing if Possible Mods is not set to Custom List or if the device is disabled. |
An event tells another device when to perform a function.
For any event option, click the option, then Select Device to access and select from the Device dropdown menu**.
Once you've selected a device, click Select Function to bind this event to a function for that device.
If more than one function is triggered by the event, click the Add button to add a line and repeat these steps.
Option | Description |
On Box Spawn Send Event To | Triggers an event when the mod box spawns. |
On Box Destroyed Send Event To | Triggers an event when the mod box is destroyed regardless of whether a mod was applied, sending the vehicle's driver as the instigator if applicable. |
On Mod Applied Send Event To | Triggers an event when the mod is applied to the vehicle, sending the vehicle's driver as the instigator if applicable. |
On Mod Failed to Apply Send Event To | Triggers an event when the mod fails to apply to a vehicle, sending the vehicle's driver as the instigator if applicable. |